Episode 12 "Final Battleground" Season Finale

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An hour had passed, the horde was about half an hour away. Everyone sat in silence as Landon stared at them. The sun was almost fully set, still raining, but not as bad.
"What are you waiting for exactly" asks Laurie.
"Shut, up" shouts Landon he points his gun at her. Britney slowly slide in front of her, blocking Landon.

"If your gonna kill someone, just do it, kill me" says Britney.
"NO, shoot me" says Saran as she gets in front of Britney.
"NO, Saran" shouts Robby.
"Okay just SHUT UP" shouts Landon.
"What is your problem, you hunt us down, kidnap us, bus just, tease us" says Gage.
"I need to figure out, where to go, if I need one of you fucks, and if so, who" says Landon.

"Well the horde is coming, we don't have time to wait around on you, debating to kill us, or not" says Jake. Landon then pistols whipped him to the ground.
"Prick" says Landon. Zack then hits him in the face with a surgical tray. Robby shoved him to the ground and grabbed his gun.
"GO" he shouts as everyone grabs their weapons and runs to the back of the hospital.

Robby aims at Landon, hut couldn't shoot him. He then ran towards the back, leaving Landon. Britney opened the back door, revealing several eaters behind it.
"Shit, no" shouts Britney as she closes, and locks the door.
"Where do we go, we've blocked every other exit but the front" asks Antonio.

Robby thought for a second, then said, "Follow me" as he lead them upstairs. They went to the far east end to the fire escape.
"Maybe we can leave through here" says Robby as he opens the window. A voice then echoed throughout the hospital.
"Oh, Robby". The sound of someone coming up the steps filled the air.

"Hide, now" says Robby as everyone scatters out. Antonio and Jake hid behind a table, Britney and Zack went to the adjacent room. Laurie and Gage went to the room behind the stairs. Saran, Robby, and Jennifer hid behind two hospital beds. Landon made his way up the stairs, and walked over to where Britney and Zack were.

His only weapon was a kitchen knife, and he was pissed. Zack watched from behind a table.
"Come on out kid, quit being a pussy" says Landon. Zack thought back to when his dad would abuse him verbally, and call him a fag, and a pussy. He had a flashback of his dad screaming at him.
"You're 15 ZACK, grow some balls already" his dad screams. A tear rolled down Zack's cheek as he looked back at Landon.

"Come out now, maybe I'll kill you quickly" chuckles Landon. Zack looks at Britney's gun, then at Landon. Laurie looks out the window from across the room, the horde was right in front of the hospital.
"Shit" says Laurie.
"We have to go" says Gage.
"What about them, my mom, Zack" asks Laurie.
"Laurie if we don't leave now, we won't leave at all" say Gage.

"Do you see that, it's right there" says Antonio as he and Jake see the horde. They then see Laurie and Gage sneaking down the stairs.
"We need to go" says Jake as he slowly gets out of cover.
"Jake, no" says Antonio. Landon then called out, "I see you". Zack then grabbed Britney's gun, and aimed at Landon.

Britney stood up with him, seeing the oncoming horde.
"Zack, NO" shouts Britney as Zack shoots. Landon turned around, revealing that Zack missed him, but not Jake. Britney took the gun away as Zack was almost in tears. She looked up, and saw something horrific.

Jake removed his hand from his face, revealing a bloody wound. He left eye, was gone, blood ran down his face as he fainted. Jennifer ran to him crying. Saran and Robby came out with their weapons raised. Zack was in shock at what he did. Britney aimed her gun at Landon as she walked out of the room with Zack.

Saran covered Jake's wound to stop the bleeding as much as she could. Eaters were starting to fill up the bottom floor of the hospital, and we're heading upstairs.
"We have to go" says Antonio as he picks Jake up.
"Where's Laurie" asked Britney.
"Her and Gage got out" says Antonio as he headed to the fire escape.
"What about him" asks Jennifer.

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