Episode 4 "Retaliation"

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Jake pulled up to the hospital. The place was crowded with people, a few hovering over a man on the ground.
"Shit they're crowded" says Jake.
"Gonna be hard getting through" says Tanner as he helps Laurie out of the truck. Jake helps Britney out, and they head towards the front entrance. But screams rang out, and some people ran out of the hospital. All that was left was a woman screaming as the man ripped a chunk of flesh out of her shoulder.

They stopped at the door, the woman crawled back against the desk, screaming and crying. The man kept crawling towards her.
"Hey, get away from her" shouts Tanner as he rushes up to the man. He grabs him by the shirt and tosses him on the ground. The door in the back room then opened, Robby, Jennifer, and Zack ran out.
"Robby" says Laurie, he then closes the door, locking Linda inside.

Robby looks at them, then the turned man. He quickly ran and shoved him back down.
"Sir, stay down" says Robby. The man just kept trying to bite him.
"Robby, what the hell is going on" asks Laurie. Tanner tended to the girl that got bit, but she had already bled to death.
"I don't know, but, whatever this is, it, brings the dead, back, if you get bit you get sick, and, you end up, as one of them" says Robby.

"Then, us there a cure, or, how do we stop it" asks Britney.
"I, I don't know, I'm not sure if we can stop it" says Robby. He then pulled out a pair of scissors, and stabbed the man in the chest, but he didn't die.
"What" says Jake. Robby stabbed him again, and still nothing.
"What, they won't die either" asks Laurie. Robby then stabbed him in the head.

"That did it" says Robby. Britney was shocked, he just killed a person. The woman then came back, and attacked Tanner, biting his hand.
"AH, shit, GOD" shouts Tanner as he shoves her off. Jake holds her down.
"Robby" says Jake as Robby stabs her in the head. Zack turned his back, he couldn't see that happen.

"Ah shit" says Tanner. Robby looked at him, then Jake.
"I'll be fine, promise" says Tanner. Robby shakes his head.
"Where are the cops" he asks.
"I called Saran, told her to bring them" says Britney.
"Well I don't see any cops, but there they are" says Laurie. Saran and Antonio were walking up to them.
"Where are the cops" asks Robby.

"I called them, but they wouldn't listen" says Saran. They then see the bodies.
"What the hell did​ you do" asked Antonio.
"Killed them" says Zack.
"Why did you kill them" asks Saran.
"They're sick, they were already dead, the came back, and there's nothing we could do" says Robby.
"What..." Asks Saran.
"It's a sickness, kills you, and as far as I've seen, brings you back, only way to stop it is to kill the brain" says Robby.

"Okay, so what do we do now" asks Jake.
"I don't know, we could go to the police I guess" says Britney.
"No, we have to wait for Josh" says Laurie.
"I have patients still, I can't just leave" says Robby.
"I'm not sure the police can help, on the way here, helicopters dropped swat teams down, they started shooting people" says Antonio. Everyone looked at each other in shock and disbelief.

"Well, were not staying, come on Jake" says Tanner as he walks out of the hospital.
"Tanner, I don't think we should leave" says Jake.
"No? Why not, they say the bite kills you, then you turn into one of them, we stay, they'll just kill me" says Tanner.
"We will not" says Britney
"Look, I'm glad to help you guys, with the wreck and all, but..." Says Tanner before he gets shot in the back of the head.

Zack watched him drop to the ground in what seemed like slow motion. Laurie screamed.
"Tanner" shouted Jake as he rushed to him. More bullets fired at them, one hitting Saran in the shoulder. Antonio​ grabbed her and went behind the desk, Laurie and Britney went down the hall, behind a table. Jennifer grabbed Zack and went behind the desk as well. Robby ran and grabbed Jake, pulling him behind a wall.

"Aah, my shoulder, oh God" cried Saran. Laurie had her mouth covered, blood on her face from Tanner. Jake was crying, looking at Tanner's body.
"Oh my God, oh my God" said Jake.
"We can go in here" says Antonio as he unlocks the back room door.
"No, no don't" says Jennifer as he opens the door, releasing Linda.
"Oh shit" says Antonio as he backs up.

Linda stumbles out of the room towards him, but gets shot in the head by the swat. Zack watches her fall right beside him. Blood runs out of her wound, touching his hand. Robby looks around the corner, seeing two swat members walking towards the hospital.
"What do we do" asks Laurie.
"I, I don't know" says Britney as she holds Laurie.

Robby grabs the scissors, and gets ready to fight, but the sound of wheels skidding across the road echoed out. A car then rammed the two swat members, sending them both flying inside the hospital, killing both. Everyone slowly came out from hiding. Antonio holding Saran, Jake wen to Tanner's body. Laurie and Britney slowly walked out, the windshield was busted out of the car, and there was a dead girl in the passengers seat.

"Josh" says Laurie. Josh opens the door, and steps out of the car. He was covered in blood, had a gun, was beat up. Laurie walks up to him.
"Josh, are you, okay" asks Laurie.
"No, no" says Josh as Laurie hugs him. Robby tends to Saran's gunshot. Britney goes to Jake, Zack sits down in the floor, Jennifer goes to a dead swats body.
"Josh, what happened, are you, bit, or" asks Laurie.

"Bit, no, they tried" said Josh as he sat down in the ground. A slight moan echoed out from the car, the woman, Allie, had turned. Josh was in shock.
"What, Laurie, what the hell is going on, she's, dead" says Josh. Laurie grabbed a shard of glass.
"Robby, says that, bites, bring you back, after that, theres, nothing really to do, and they only die..." says Laurie.
"...If you destroy the brain" says Josh.

Laurie looks back at him.
"I had, to do it, I, killed people" says Josh.
"They're not... people" says Laurie as she stabs Allie in the head. Josh immediately has a flashback, the windshield starting to crack, and eventually breaking.
"Shit" shouts Josh as he holds back a woman from biting him. Allie screamed as a man bit her on the arm.

Josh held back the woman and opened the glove department, grabbing the gun. He held it to the temple of the woman, and fired. He then shot the man biting Allie. Three more people were already crawling in. Josh shot one in the chest, but he didn't drop. Josh then shoved the woman out of the car, and tried to drive off, but it wouldn't budge.

Josh climbed into the back seat.
"Come on" he shouts as Allie goes to crawl back, but was grabbed and pulled backwards. Allie reached and scratched Josh's face as the man sank his teeth into her. Screams filled the car as Allie was eaten alive in front of Josh.

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