Episode 2 "One More Time"

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Everyone sat in interrogation. Antonio and Saran together, Britney and Laurie together, Josh alone.
"Now, let me ask you one more time" says the man, "What happened when you got back to the crash site" he asked.
"I already told you, we got out, looked for others, then the cop came out, he explained what happened, then got attacked" says Britney.
"Attacked by what, exactly" he asks.
"The crazy people, same ones that killed those doctors last night" says Laurie.

"What happened when you got to the crash site" asks another man.
"We looked for others, but there was nothing, untill that cop shot at us" says Antonio.
"Then he got attacked, by a, person" says Saran.
"Then you, went straight to the hospital and reported it" asks the man.
"Yes, exactly, we had nothing to do with anything" says Antonio.
"Well something happen to 12 officers and 7 firemen" says the man.

"Did you have anything to do with the disapearence of those men and women" asks another interrogator.

"No" says Josh.

"No" says Britney.

"Oh God no" says Saran.

A bit later, they all were released.
Josh's parents were in the waiting room.
"I'll see ya" says Josh.
"Yeah" says Laurie as she hugs him.
"I love you" days Laurie.
"I love you too" says Josh.
"Thanks, Antonio, Saran" says Josh as he shakes Antonio's hand, and hugs Saran.

Antonio and Saran walked Britney and Laurie out.
"Thank you both, for everything" says Britney.
"No problem, it's been really crazy" says Saran. A woman then bumped into Antonio.
"I'm sorry, miss" says Antonio. She then threw up on the sidewalk.
"Miss, are you okay" asks Antonio. She just nods and stumbles on.
"Atleast they brought our car back" says Laurie as they head to their car.

They waved goodbye to Saran and Antonio as they drove home. Back at the hospital, Robby was helping clean up the blood from the recent deceased.
"What did they do with the man" asks Robby.
"Not sure, he was taken to a solitary room, I don't know if they moved him" says the janitor. A scream then filled the air.
"What now" says Robby and he and the janitor rush down the hall.

They make it to the morgue, the two doctors that got killed, were alive.
"What the, hell" says Robby. The mortician was dead on the floor.
"Shit, go" says Robby as he closes the door. Then, another scream from the front of the hospital.
"What the hell is going on around here" asks Robby as he bolts down the hallway.

At the front desk, a man whom was brought in sick, was passed out on the floor.
"What happened" asked Robby.
"He just passed out, I'm not sure" says the young boy that was with him. Robby felt his pulse, nothing.
"Linda got me the defibrillator" says Robby as she brings it to him. He opens it and prepares to shock the man, but, he opened his eyes.
"Dad" said the boy.
"Sir" said Robby. The man looked at Robby, then the boy, then Linda, and attacked her.

The man but her on the leg and Robby pulled him off.
"AAargh" shouted Linda as she fell down. Robby pulled the boy back.
"Sir, stay back" says Robby as he held his hand out. The man continued to get up, and come towards them.
"Dad, stop" says the boy. Robby then helps Linda up, and takes both her and the boy in the back room.

Robby instantly tended to Linda's wound. He cleaned it and wrapped it, then helped her up to a chair.
"Hey, are you okay" asks Robby as he tends to the boy.
"Yeah, dad what's wrong with him" asks the boy.
"Im, not sure, but don't worry, I'll get him help, what's your name" asks Robby.

"Zack" says the boy.
"Okay, Zack, I'm Robby, how old are you" asks Robby.
"Fifteen" says Zack.
"Alright, if you don't mind, help me block the door, make sure no one gets in" says Robby. Zack agreed and started pushing a desk in front of the door.
"How long was your dad sick before you came in" asks Robby.
"Not long, this guy, attacked him, bit him on the arm, soon after, he got sick" says Zack.

Robby then thought about, the man that bit the paramedic last night, he turned, had to be restrained. He then looked at Linda's ankle. A woman's voice then called out from the front desk.
"Hello, we need help, my boyfriend's sick".
"Sir, we need help, do you work he....." Said the girl as the man turned around, blood on his mouth.
"NO, get away from him" shouted Robby from the back room.

"Come on hun, let's go" says the girl as she grabs her boyfriend's arm. But he collapsed on the ground.
"No, babe get UP" shouts the girl. The man then crawls on top of him and starts biting his neck.
"AAAGH" screamed the girl as she kicked and hit the man. Robby then grabbed the girl from behind.
"Come on, now" says Robby as he takes her back to the back room.
"Dad" says Zack in shock. Robby then shut the door and re-blocked it.

"Linda, get the number of those people that were here last night, tell them to get over here, with the police" says Robby.
"Just call the police, why them" asks Zack.
"Because the police think they're in on the disapearence if their own". "Think what happened here was crazy" says Robby.
The girl was crying in a corner at this moment.
"Hey, hey, hey it's okay, it's gonna be okay, what's your name" asks Robby.
"Jennifer, is, my boyfriend, okay" she cries.

"Jennifer, I'm Robby, I'm not sure what's going on right now, but the police will be on their way" says Robby. Linda was just now dialing for Britney. The phone rang at their house.
"I got it" says Laurie as she walks to the phone. She answers with,
"Laurie speaking".
"Laurie, get to the hospital with your friends now, and bring the police, we have a problem" says Linda.

"Wait, what, the police, what is going on" asks Laurie.
"Just do it, NOW" shouts Linda.
"Okay, we'll be right...." Says Laurie before the call was disconnected.
"Hello, Laurie, hello" says Linda.
"The connection was lost" says Linda.
"Use your cellphone, call those other people, make sure they get here" says Robby.
"Mom, call Saran, we have to get to the hospital with the police" says Laurie.

"The police, what's going on" asks Britney.
"I don't know but, it didn't sound good" says Laurie as she grabs the keys and they head out to the car.
"Hello, Saran, it's Britney, get back to the hospital, now, bring the cops" says Britney.
"Cops, what's going on" asks Saran.
"I'm not sure, just get there" says Britney. Laurie then calls Josh.
"Hey babe" says Josh.
"Josh, meet us back at the hospital, they need us, somethings wrong" says Laurie.

"We just left, what could be goin on" asks Josh.
"I don't know, just meet us there in 10" says Laurie.
"What do you think is happening" asks Britney.
"Mom, I, I'm not sure anymore, those people we saw, last night, I don't know" says Laurie
"Look, whatever happens, we'll get past...." A truck then rams into them, everything goes black.

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