Episode 3 "Unsteady"

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"Pull her out, watch her head, be careful" says a fuzzy voice as Laurie is pulled from her overturned car. She looks over and sees her mom laying on the ground, holding her head.
"M, mom" mumbles Laurie as she tries to raise up.
"Hun, are you okay" asks a man.
"I don't, I'm fine, mom" says Laurie as she tries to crawl over. Another man then helps Britney up, and into their truck, the other helps Laurie.

"Go to the hospital Jake" says the other man as they take off.
"Just hang in there were going to get you some help" says the other man.
"Laurie, hun are you alright" asks Britney.
"I'm fine mom, are you" asks Laurie.
"I think so, thank you guys" says Britney.
"No problem, we saw the whole thing, couldn't leave ya" says Jake.
"Thanks, Britney, this is my daughter, Laurie" she says.

"Jake, boy in the back is my brother Tanner" says Jake.
"Wait, the person, who hit us, is he" asks Laurie.
"Unconscious, he's in the back" says Jake.
"Oh this day keeps getting better and better" says Britney.
"At least we were already on our way to the hospital" says Laurie.
"Why is that, exactly" asked Tanner from the back.
"Just, a situation that happened last night, they need us back, and, we need them too" says Britney.

"Where do you think you're going" asks Josh's dad.
"To the hospital, they need everyone back, somethings wrong" says Josh.
"Josh, you just got back, we just got back, you are not leaving" says his mom.
"The hospital needs me" says Josh.
"I don't care, you are hurt, your are not going" shouts his mom.
"Cuts and bruises, I am fine" shouts Josh.
"Don't yell at your mother" shouts his dad.
"Then don't YELL AT ME" shouts Josh as he exits the house.

Josh gets into his dad's ​car, and backs out of the driveway.
"Damn it Josh, get BACK HERE" shouts his mom. Josh just drives forward. Josh was so angry, clutching the steering wheel, his parents keep treating him like a child. Then, a few people ran across the street, screaming, followed by a group of people, stumbling after them.
"What the, hell" says Josh as he stops the car.

A few people ran past him screaming "Go, run, run". Some of the crazed people started coming towards him. A woman tripped while running and started crawling backwards. Josh rushed over and helped her up, hurting his already, sprained ankle.
"Come on, to my car" says Josh as they head back. Thy get in the car and lock the doors. The crazed people start to cover the car.

"What the hell is going on" asks Josh.
"I don't know, they just, came out of nowhere, started attacking people" says the woman.
"But, thank you, for saving me though" says the woman.
"No problem, I'm Josh" he says.
"Allie, now, DRIVE" she shouts. Josh starts the car, but there were too many on it to move.
"Come on, come on, SHIT" says Josh. All on the weight on the windshield from the people caused it to crack.

"Oh, shit" says Allie as she leaned back, the windshield cracked more and more, untill, it shattered.

At the same time....

Saran and Antonio were on their way to the hospital, Saran was on the phone with the police.
"No, I'm not joking, get back to the hospital" says Saran.
"What do you mean you have to go, you need to get to the hospital" says Saran as the cop hangs up.

"Okay then assholes" says Saran as she puts down the phone.
"So what do we do about the police" asks Antonio.
"Call them from the hospital I guess" says Saran. They soon come upon a jammed lane, everyone honking their horns at each other.
"What is happening" asks Antonio as they both step out of the car.

Four helicopters flew over them, heading towards the end of the street. They all come to a hover, and each let 4 swat members drop out. Soon after, gunshots rang out.
"What the, hell" says Saran.
"Get back in the car, we take the back road to the hospital" says Antonio as they get back in the car. They back up right into somebody else.
"Shit" says Antonio. The man steps out, and starts telling at them.

"What do think you're doing" shouts the man.
"Look I'm sorry, but" says Antonio.
"BUT NOTHING, YOU BACKED UP INTO ME, DO YOU WA..." shouts the man before a woman takes a bite out of his neck from behind. They both gasped as the man screamed in agony.
"Oh my God" says Saran. Antonio quickly makes a u-turn, and drives off.

Back at the hospital.... The front desk and waiting area were full of people helping their sick friends and families.
"Don't you think we should go out there, help those people" asks Zack.
"No, I want to, but it's too dangerous" says Robby.
"Well, we can't just stay in here" says Jennifer.
"We can untill the police get here, along with Britney and Laurie" says Robby.

"My boyfriend, is outside wondering around, and so is his dad, we have to go help them" says Jennifer.
"They are sick, you seen what they do, we have to wait for help to come" says Robby. Jennifer sighed and leaned against the wall.
"Linda, how are you doing" asks Robby
"F, fine, just, I don't feel so good, little hot" says Linda. Robby feels her forehead​.
"My God, you're burning up, let me check the bite" says Robby as he unwrapped it. It was infected, green, and draining uncontrollably.

Linda then fell out of the chair.
"Linda, Linda" says Robby as he lifts her up, back in the chair.
"Is she okay" asked Zack.
"I, I don't know, Linda, can you hear me, Linda" says Robby.
"You said your dad got bit, by someone, then he attacked my boyfriend, if she is bit, then" says Jennifer.
"Look, I don't know what the hells going on, but last night, this man attacked two doctors, killed them, but they came back" says Robby.

"Came back" asked Zack.
"Yes, they came back, but, they were different, tried to attack people, they got locked up in solitary" says Robby. Jennifer looked at Zack.
"Then, my boyfriend, and his dad, are, dead" asks Jennifer.
"I think so" says Robby. Robby proceeded to feel for a pulse, Linda was dead.

"She's, dead" says Robby.
"Oh my God" says Jennifer as she covers her mouth. Zack was in shock, he never seen a dead body.
"Does this mean she is coming back" asks Jennifer.
"I don't know, maybe" says Robby.
"Then we need to leave" says Zack as he goes to the door.
"Zack, no, we can't" says Robby.
"Well I can't stay in here" shouts Zack.

People in the waiting room heard them arguing, and took action.
"Hey, they're in there hiding" said a man.
"We need help" said a woman.
"No, no, shit" says Robby as the citizens started knocking on the door.
"No, stop, I want to help but" says Robby. A man then collapsed in the middle of the crowd.
"Help me, someone, Eddie, can you hear me" cried a woman.
"Robby" said Zack as he pointed to the back of the room. Robby turned around, to Linda, up, and standing.

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