Episode 5 "Only Together"

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A few hours later, everyone was camped out in the front entrance of the hospital. Doors were locked, and they used the car to barricade the entire front entrance. Robby and Antonio moved the dead swat members into the back room, with Linda's body. The men have turned, confusing everyone, they weren't bitten, so how, was the question. Tanner's body was covered, and left where it was because Jake wasn't done mourning.

Saran's gunshot was taken care of. Britney sat next to her and Antonio, while Laurie sat with Josh. Josh was still thinking about what happened in the car, he had another flashback. Blood from Allie poured on him, Josh shot two more in the head, and then another that was crawling in. The right backseat window then busted out, and a man grabbed Josh's arm. Josh pulled lose, falling back and hitting his head on the opposite window.

He then came back to reality.
"Hey, you okay" asks Laurie. Josh shook his head.
"I watched her, I watched people, rip open, and eat, another person" says Josh. Laurie hugs him.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't imagine" says Laurie. Josh then went back to the flashback. He shot the man in the head, then shot another crawling through the windshield.

Josh starts to cry from the fear and shock if the entire situation. He looks over at Allie's body, then at all the people, attacking. He put the gun up to his head, and right before he pulled the trigger, a bunch if gunshots rang out. All the people attacking dropped one by on. Eventually they stopped, and Josh looked up. It was 5 men, in uniforms, saying SWAT.

"Thank you" said Josh, but they wouldn't lower their guns.
"I'm not one of them, I'm, not sick" says Josh. They still had their guns pointed at him. Josh's heart sank, they were going to shoot him. A sick man then attacked one of the members. The others focused on him as Josh leaped in the front seat, and drive off. Bullets hit his car as he made a left, and headed towards the hospital.

Back to reality, Josh higher Laurie back.
"No, you can', you can't imagine" says Josh. Robby was in the middle of an argument with two nurses, and some people who were visiting.
"We want to leave" says a nurse.
"Yeah, I have to get home to my wife and kids" says a man.
"We can't let you go out there, it's too dangerous" says Robby. Britney got up and walked over to the situation.

"What's the problem" asks Britney.
"We need to leave, we have family to get back to" says a nurse.
"Okay, I understand, but people are attacking other people, SWAT teams are shooting people" says Britney.
"All the more reason to get home, and be with our families" says a woman. Britney looked at Robby and shook her head.
"I don't have to put up with this, I've got to the back exit, anyone who wants to leave, come with me" says a nurse as she and others head to the exit.

"We can't let them open the doors, it's too dangerous" says Zack.
"He's right, they might let the sick people in" says Jennifer.
"They're right" says Robby as he, Britney, Zack, and Jennifer follow the citizens. Jennifer taking one of the weapons the swat guy had.
"You can't leave, you're putting all of us at risk by opening those doors" says Robby.

"There's no one out there, calm down we just want to leave, then you can close it" says the nurse as she unlocked the door. She walks out, along with everyone else who wanted to leave.
"See, I'm fine" says the nurse as she turns around and gets shot to death.
"SHIT" shouts Robby as he shuts the door. The swat members start to break the door down. Robby and Britney try to keep the door shut, while Jennifer holds her gun up and Zack hides behind her.

"I can't hold it" shouts Britney. Robby looks at Jennifer, she nods, and Robby grabs Britney and they take cover. The door opens and Jennifer shoots one in the head, the other, she gets in the chest, knocking him down. Britney kicks the door shut, and Robby blocks it with a table and office chair. Jennifer goes to shoot the man, but Robby stops her.

He takes his weapons and holds him down.
"Let me go" shouts the man.
"Maybe later, but right now, you and I are gonna have a little talk" says Robby. They take him to the front, and sit him down. Laurie and Josh get up.
"What the hells going on" asks Josh.
"He tried to kill us, now we're gonna ask some questions " says Robby.

"Keep the gun on him" says Robby as he sits down in front of him.
"Why, are you shooting us, and the infected" asks Robby.
"Fuck you" he says.
"I'll ask again, why are you shooting us, and the infected" asks Robby.
"Answer him" says Jennifer. The man remains silent.
"You know, you're only alive because of this vest, I can always take it off" says Robby.

"Orders" says the man.
"What ever this is, it can't be stopped, it's spreading too fast, people are dying, and coming back too fast" he says.
"So you kill everyone" asks Britney.
"Like I said, orders, it can't spread, of you're dead" says the man.
"Are you crazy, killing everyone doesn't help, you need to be saving people" says Robby.
"What's the point, even if we don't kill you, you'll become on of them when you die" he says.

"Why did you say" asks Saran from across the room.
"It's not the bites, it's after, this happened weeks ago, the first victim, after the accident, were all infected, you die, you come back" he says. Everyone looks at each other.
"How, what caused this" asks Robby.
"CDC, accident, couldn't contain it, everything..." Says the man before Jake shoots him in the head.

"JAKE" shouts Laurie.
"I'm, sorry" says Jake as he drops the gun. Britney held her mouth and looked at Robby, Zack was holding his head, Antonio stood up in front of Saran.
"Why Jake, why" asks Robby.
"They killed my brother, they deserved it" says Jake.
"Atleast he won't turn" says Josh as he sits back down.

"Guys, look at this" says Jennifer as she points outside. The gunshot drew attention, all the infected people were wondering towards them.
"Shit, that's bad, that's very bad" says Robby.
"Maybe we should move to a room, until help come" says Laurie.
"Agreed" says Robby as everyone gathers everything up, Antonio helps Saran up, and they head to the operating room.

Once in, the close and lock the doors.
"We should be safe in here, atleast for tonight" says Robby.
"We can't just stay here" says Antonio.
"Why not" asks Britney.
"If the world is falling apart, we can't hide out in here the whole time" says Antonio.
"He's right, we have to leave sometime, help people, they might set up refuge camps if it's as bad as it sounds" says Laurie.

"If it's that bad, we don't need to leave" says Britney.
"So we staver here, we will run out of food, water" says Laurie.
"We will figure that out when the time comes" says Britney.
"No, you will, I'm leaving eventually" says Laurie.
"Excuse me" says Britney.
"Mom I will leave, I don't care if the world's ending, I'm not... hiding from it" says Laurie.

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