Episode 9 "Fight or Flight"

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The following morning.... Robby, Jake, and Antonio set out to the helicopter crash. Maybe they will find supplies, food, or maybe information on what is happening.
"Everyone watch yourselves, those things are everywhere" says Robby.
"Maybe Britney, and the others went to it also, we might run into them" says Jake.
"Yeah, maybe" says Robby as they cross a street, and cut through a backyard.

They come across two eaters, wondering out of a house. Robby stabs one in the temple, Jake impales the other with a metal bar. They run down a street, to the end, and head east, right to the crash site. Which was flooded with eaters.
"Damn, there's a lot" says Jake.
"Indeed, take em, or lead them away" asks Antonio.

"Lead them" says Robby as he throws a bottle to the other end if the crash. The noise slowly leads the dead away, one by one. They all sneak to the crash, two dead pilots, and a dead man in a business suit.
"Oh God" says Jake. Robby grabs a suitcase from the wreckage and opens it. It was full of money, thousands.

"Wow" says Antonio.
"Yeah, wow" says Robby as he closes it. Jake pulled the guns from the pilots, two glocks. He also found a paper file laying between the pilots. He took it, just in case, he thought. A faint moaning sounds then came from the woods, behind the crash.

"Do you hear that" asks Robby.
"Yeah, I do" says Antonio. The moaning got louder and louder, and there was more than one.
"What the..." Says Jake as he gets out of the wreckage. Then, hundreds of eaters come spilling out of the woods.
"Oh shit, go" shouts Robby as they all run back towards the hospital.

"There must be like 200 of them" says Jake.
"How did they get here" asks Antonio.
"The crash, the noise, they might've, herded up all came towards it, since last night" says Robby.
"Jesus Christ, I've never seen, so many" says Jake.
"None of us has" says Robby as they get back to the backyard they cut through earlier.

"Well that was a waste" says Antonio.
"Yeah, money and a few guns" says Robby.
"Wait, here, found this" says Jake as he hands Robby the file. It only had one paper in it, a map with a line drew South, and a city circled, Wilmington, with "Refuge" written above it.
"Refuge, like, legit" asks Jake.
"I'm not sure, but, it must be where they was heading, so I guess so" says Robby.
"Maybe Laurie was right, there might be camps, places where people are going" says Antonio.

"Well maybe we can go too" says Robby as they continue back to the hospital. They didn't know that they were being watched by someone with binoculars​. He watched them all the way from the end of the street, and on their way to the hospital. He lowered the binoculars, and sighed, then proceeded to follow them. He had an extended machete, with a black and red handle, that he used to split an eater's head open with.

At the same time, Landon was serving Laurie and Britney breakfast.
"How long are you gonna keep us" asks Britney.
"Till I decide to kill you" says Landon.
"Then why don't you just do it" says Laurie.
"Laurie" shouts Britney.
"What, I'm tired, and I'm sick of waiting to die" says Laurie.
"For that, maybe I won't kill you, maybe I'll play with you, for a little while" says Landon.

Laurie looked up at him, thinking about Josh, and, how he wouldn't take shit from this guy. She then head-butted him, knocking him down. She ran over and picked up his turned wife, holding a gun she grabbed to her head. Britney went behind her with a kitchen knife.
"YOU, let her, go" says Landon.
"Then you put the goddamn gun down" says Laurie.
"Never" says Landon.
"Then she DIES" shouts Laurie.

"Don't you, fucking dare" shouted Landon. Laurie looks at the turned wife, then Landon. Laurie chuckled, and shit his wife in the head.
"NO" shouted Landon as he rushes towards them. Laurie quickly shoots at him, hitting his cheek.
"AAG, GOD, FUCK" shouts Landon as he falls to the floor in pain and agony.

"Come ON" shouts Britney as they rush outside and head back to the car. Laurie gets in the passenger seat due to her wound. Britney backs out of the driveway, gunshots hit the car as Landon shot from the porch. Britney drove off, heading back to the hospital.
"I'll get YOU, YOU HEAR ME" screams Landon in the background.

Laurie was holding her arm, crying.
"Laurie, I'm so sorry, about, Josh, and this guy, I'm so sorry you got hurt" says Britney.
"Don't talk to me" cries Laurie.
"Laurie, you need to talk to me" says Britney.
"No, no i don't, and I won't" cries Laurie. Britney looked at her, and shook her head.
"I'm sorry" she says. The rest of the car ride was in silence, no one said anything else.

They arrived at the hospital not long after. Laurie got out and walked ahead of her mom, meeting Antonio, Robby, and Jake at the entrance.
"Laurie" asked Robby. Britney walked up behind her.
"Britney" says Saran as she and Jennifer came out of the hospital.
"What happened to you, oh my God" says Saran as she looks at Laurie's gunshot.

"Britney, what happened out there" asks Robby as he puts his hand on her shoulder. Zack then walked out.
"It's, it's fine, fine" says Laurie.
"Where's Josh" asked Zack, Britney looked at him. Laurie looked down
"What, where Josh" asks Saran. Laurie started to cry.
"Oh, no" says Antonio as he looked at Robby.

Saran hugged Laurie.
"No, oh no, no" says Robby as he hugs Britney.
"Oh my God" says Jennifer as she looks at Jake. Zack was in shock, and ran back inside.
"I'm so sorry Laurie, I'm so sorry" says Saran.

"What happened" asked Robby while still hugging Britney.
"I shouldn't have gone, it was my fault" cries Britney.
"Come on, let's get inside" says Antonio as everyone heads in. Zack was sitting on the ground, starring at the wall.
"Zack, are you okay" asked Jake.

"No, I'm not, but, that doesn't matter anymore" says Zack. Laurie sat down in a corner crying. Everyone else sat down at a table, in silence.
"It was all my fault" says Britney.
"Britney" says Saran.
"What, if I wouldn't have left, he would still be alive" says Britney.

"What happened to Laurie, her wound" asked Robby.
"After, Josh, this guy, held her at gunpoint, and, I tried to stop him, he took us back to his house, kept us overnight" says Britney.
"He blamed us for, the death of his wife, told us that all this, started a week ago, maybe more, was gonna kills us" says Britney.
"I shot him" says Laurie.
"But, he's still alive, I don't know if he knows where were at" says Britney.
"Pretty sure the horde is your bigger problem right now" says the man that watched Robby and the others. Everyone pointed their weapons at him.
"Woah now, just trying to help" says the man.

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