Unknown pov ~In front of her room door, I wave my hand over keypad instantly gaining entry.
Then it dawned on me, I could've done a much easier way than this.
Taking a look around not seeing her, then I heard what sound like water splashing.
" So she's in the bathroom " I thought to myself, turning accidentally stubbing my toe.
So much for being quiet ....
It's because I am still new to this, if he finds out. I'll be catching hell for this.
So I took another quick look around, immediately left.
*Shayla's pov ~
As I sat here trying to relax in this nice sized Jacuzzi tub....
Taking in my surroundings, This is one nice ass bathroom. And it better be not after all the money I spend for the room.
Then heard the room door open and close after a minute or so.
Must be room service....
Wait a second, I didn't order anything !
So I immediately got out the tub, grabbing an hotel issued robe. Putting it on slowly opening the door but only a little sticking my head out.
After surveying the room, opening the door wider, this time walking through looking around very cautiously.
Going over and checking the little belongings I had with me. But everything was just the way I left them.
Was someone in my room ?
Or am I just too paranoid ?
Sitting down on the bed, I decided to go ahead and order from room service.
*30 mins later ~
After trying to eat the lite dinner I order. But I just couldn't stomach it.
I'm guessing the weight of everything is coming down on me. And I'm thinking I need to lie down because I feel an headache coming on.
I wish my grandad was still alive. He always knew what to say or do to make me feel better. If He were here, I would've ran to him for help.
I really do miss him so much.....
Slowly getting up from the table, heading over to the bed. I fall back on it and close my eyes.
Unknown pov ~
Watching her sleep, I can see why he's so glamoured by her.
Over the years, I've noticed her naive but admirable personality. Lately with those she's around, no wonder she ran away from it all.
It's truly sad how humans act. It amazes me to no end.
Taking another look around to see if anything's out of order.
It was a bit quiet, then I had this strange feeling that something was off......
That's when I heard the shushing sound of an nightmare seed. I can never mistake that sound.
Upon turning, I noticed that this one was already out its pod and was far larger than usual swirling in dark matter.
( Nightmare seed- the early form of an nightmare. And how it goes into the mind by dispersing from its pod, seeping into your mind through the ear. )
And that's how an nightmare begins.....
But I've never seen anything of it's kind.
" I have to finish it off " I thought reaching for my special made dagger of platinum and gold.
Doing this action, I was too late it had already made it's way slithering inside her ear.
I had no other choice but to act fast. So I went on by lifting her head, turning it to the side forcefully smacking it until it slid out. Then piercing it with my dagger, until it shriveled up turning into dust.
Then she began to groan...
Oh no ! Is she beginning to wake ?
Did I use too much force behind that smack ?
Looking her over, it seems like she's okay. I hope ......
Then her eyes opened a little, it kind of shocked me. I mean she still should be unconscious.
" Who are you ? " she said still a bit dazed.
" I am...... " I began to say but should I tell her, he'd have my head. I shouldn't even be here but I had to see and know if she was doing alright.
I really need to leave before he or anyone else catches wind of this.
Gently placing her head down back on the pillow. I was thankful she fell back into a peaceful slumber.
Rising up from my position of kneeling on the bed beside her, I turn on my heel and left the way I came.
For now ........
Shayla's pov ~
Waking, I had one of the nastiest headaches ever. Maybe it's because I've been too stressed lately. So I slowly got up in search of pain meds, hoping that I still had some in my purse.
After taking them, followed by taking a shower. And the warm water felt heavenly over my aching body.
But why am I feeling this worn out ?
As I let the water cascade over my face and body, I start thinking of the beautiful man I saw in the dream I had last night. It wasn't Ji soo so.......
Who was he ?
I already have enough problems as it is. And why do I kept having dreams of beautiful men. Men like those two, a person like me wouldn't have a chance in hell with them in reality.
After my shower, I decided I need to do some shopping. So I could take my mind off things just for the moment. I couldn't wear the same outfit for long.
Dressed, leaving my room. Catching the elevator to the lobby.
In the lobby, I greeted a few people along the way out.In my car now, backing out and checking my rear view. I was shocked to see the guy I had that dream about last night.
I blinked then he was gone....
Am I losing it .....
Sorry if I threw something at y'all or if anyone's confused. But I'll explain more in the next chapter.
Thanks for reading ❤
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Escape ( BWAM )
ParanormalWhen the dream world and real world become one in the same. Escape - a word with many different meanings. © S.J Evans