endurance test part 2

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Jisoo's pov~

Waking up was easy but getting battle ready which I assumed would definitely happen. It would be hard but I couldn't sit back, do nothing. I knew I had to be tested to see if I were ready to go back to earth. And would probably have to consult with the elders, especially with my father.


He instructed me to go ahead, do these tests. And also I would have to plead with the higher ups, make then believe I was well. So I would be finally reunited with Shayla, I would be battle ready if things go as planned. But it would be hard to get my point across seeing as I was fresh from the brink of death. And I thank those medics who saved my life of course.

I was definitely ready for what these tests could throw at me.


The sphere warhead endurance test also called the world test was the first of the group of tests. It was like playing an game of football but with higher stakes. And after days, I finally finished the course. I had three more test to go, the reality, trust, mind are just like they sound. Reality contains to seeing what needs to be seen. It goes along with trust course to see if you can be or trust others in a partnership or groups. The mind course, on all things with mind. Emotions, dark and light.

And by the six day, I had already pushed myself to the brink for my need to protect Shayla. Plus I felt anger at my own self for leaving her this long. Another thing that upset me when word got back to me on an human other than her soon to be ex husband was hanging around her lately. He was also a member of the Daydream setters. But it didn't dispel the anxious feeling I had, I wanted to be there for her. Then there was the pressing matter that as of now she still doesn't know me well or that I'm an living, breathing person. I had to explain to her, hope she wouldn't tell me to beat it. I don't even know if the others told her of what was really going on. Thinking of all these things and more, I headed to my quarters, sprawled out on my bed.

So I would rest up as my father had suggested. And tomorrow, I would have to plead my case. Have the evidence I've collected, present it.


But later that night sleep didn't come to me. I had forgot that tonight was the night of " The Two Moons " would be be presenting themselves in all their glory. With all that's going on, did happen with serious consequences.

Lying here in bed, I thought of series of memories about the event, seeing this as a child. The happening only comes once every sixteen years. Then I began to hear the people outside cheering, laughing, the music was nostalgic that I drifted off to sleep without a second thought.


The next day, I woke up early, washed and dressed in record time. Because I knew what was at stake. And I knew my stunt ruffled a few feathers of the elders. As I walked to the food hall, received my meal.

All eyes were on me. I guess word had spread quickly about what happened to me, the things that surrounded it. I took an deep breath, exhaled and tried not to pay attention to all the attention I was getting. I felt kind of weird because I was a serious type of person until I let Shayla infiltrate my heart.

So I finished, headed over to the first elder quarters. And yes they didn't leave their quarters unless there was an meeting, function or their help was urgently needed.

As I was upon the first elder's quarters I was stopped by my father. When he placed an firm hand on my shoulder.

" Son hold on. I would like to speak to you first, " he asked putting an arm around my shoulders. Then he directed me to an sitting room. We took seats on opposite couches.

" What did you need to speak to me about Abeoji ? "

" Do you think you're ready to go back out there ? Because I think you need more time. "

And I wondered why he was bringing this up now.

" I'm alright, " I replied without a thought.

" I think you're not son, I don't want you to push yourself. Seeing you like that..... " he stopped in mid sentence rubbing an hand down his face.

And I stared at him, couldn't believe what I was seeing. I never seen him like this, I felt, knew that he cared deeply for me. But I had someone I cared about also which made me say these words.

" I have to be there for her, make it on time before it's too late. I know I'm not hundred percent better but these little problems can wait until I could at least be by her side to protect her ! " I announced as I rose up from my seat, ran to the elder to get clearance to get fitted with the special device to stay on earth longer.

I didn't look back when I heard my father calling after me. Then I soon gained access to Elder Luo as the doors closed in my father face.

Sorry for taking so long with this, errors.

What do you think Jisoo father had else to say ?

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