Big Problems / His Reminisce

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I'm introducing Taeyang as Dong Jun ( unknown guy ) but now y'all know. Hope it wasn't too shocking ( just kidding 😂 )

Now on with the chapter 😉

Dong Jun's pov~

As I stood there watching her leave, I wondered if I should follow.

Then our eyes met.....

As she pulled out the hotel's parking lot.

Her eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

Did she actually see me ? But how humans can not see us unless we make our presence known.

Then an car horn honked behind her several times until she sped off.

That was the last thing I saw before being yanked by the back of my collar and teleported to a different location.

When I regained my composure, focused my eyes on the person in front of me....

" Jun ! What in the hell do you think you're doing ! I've told you that when I was done with my missions, I would've went there myself. "

" But relax Hyung ! You don't know what happened last night. It was this nasty looking....." I tried to say but was cut off when Jisoo placed his hand on top his head.

" Shh..... this way is faster " as he concentrated on me, reading my thoughts.

" Oh I see ..... " was all he said letting go of my head.

" So do you know what the hell was that thing ? I mean it looked like a seed ( nightmare seed eg. It's explained in the chapter before this one ) but something was different, kinda off " I exclaimed.

" Yeah, it's something that hasn't been seen in almost 50 years according to the elders. "

" Really ? " I said astonished.

" Did you pay attention in class at all ? " Jisoo asked smacking me in the back of the head.

" Ow ! So what are we gonna do now ? " I asked ready for action.

" Not we, but we're gonna have to keep what's going to ourselves for now. And you're going back to headquarters because you're needed right now. " he said with full authority.

" But.... " I said sullenly.

" No " Buts " because I will continue watching her, Now go ! " he told me.

" Alright then, bye " I waved as I teleported back to headquarters.

Jisoo pov ~

As I watched her enter an clothing store from my car across the street. ( Yeah he has a car. He has to blend in - author ✴ )

I scanned the perimeter of anything unusual coming and going from the building. Then I used my special made device that detects certain anomalies of any sort.

After finishing my task, I laid my head back on the headrest.

Thinking back to 13 years ago. Of that monster, that's all I knew to call back then.

Why was something like that was at the bottom of the lake ?

I saw when she was pushed, I hoped that she could swim. She just had made it to the surface. I could tell she was caught off guard and frightened.

But that thing pulled her back under water, I tried to save her. I was an novice back then.

If the elders hadn't come in time, I had a feeling she would've been lost forever.

I didn't want that to happen.

I can remember when I first came across her. She was playing in a field of flowers. A distance away from the cabins and lake.

I remember wondering why was she by herself. Thinking back those kids that almost caused her to drown. They weren't too friendly towards her throughout their stay.

As a adolescent, I wasn't too fond of training. So I always snuck to the human world whenever I could.

But after what happened, I made it my mission to watch her, just in case.

Just in case of what ? Not really believing what the elders told me. About what happened that day.

I would watch her from time to time. Is what I told myself but I found that the time between watching her was getting shorter and shorter.

It was so many times I wanted to step in when things were tough for her but I knew I couldn't or shouldn't.

One night, when I watched her crying and ready to give up. That's when I couldn't just sit back and don't do anything.

Her husband was an asshole for making her feel that way.

So I did the only thing I could do to ease her pain....

Was to comfort her without her really even knowing what was going on.

I slipped into her dreams to relax her mind, at first....

But I became bold, I wanted more......

So I became the main character in her nightly dreams.

I knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop myself.

So wrong that I was thinking about going away, let her live her life.

But now that monster's growing stronger daily. And how I know of this, is because I've been going back to the lake. Just to check and see if something was out of the ordinary.

I believe the incident that happened last night is connected with that thing in the lake. Plus all the things going on around her.

And it doesn't stop there, I believe it set it's sights on her for some reason.

And I can't let anything happen to her...

But why ? I sometimes ask myself.

And what's so special about her ?

I just know, I can't let her get mixed up in this, if possible.

The elders should've obliterated it instead imprisoning it, hoping one day it would reform.

" It should've been finished off ! I said aloud, balled my fist as I hit the steering wheel.


I need to calm down. I thought as I breathed through my nose.

And What was Dong Jun thinking ? He doesn't know the meaning of being discreet. But I am glad he was there.

I wondered if his movements tipped off the Elders.

Or have they known all along....

Sorry if there's any errors, I'll fix them later.

Thanks for reading ! ❤

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