If I hadn't seen it for myself. I wouldn't believe it.
My feelings went from awe to down right anxiety because I was thinking of all what I've seen not just little over an hour ago. I didn't know she had this amount of raw power. But just a glimpse of what she could do according to Master Tang.
He offered to explain in detail all about Shayla, her god giving powers. But I didn't want to have access to the story beforehand without her by my side. Because this was about her, how it would effect her. I didn't want to leave her in the dark any longer. I felt somehow I've failed her throughout her whole life. And especially now when she knew not was actually going on.
The guilt felt like a fist to the stomach type of feeling. I was there even though if was from time to time. I wanted so much to reach out when things were bad in her life in the past, the present. But the law forbid me from doing a damn thing for her back then.
I wanted so bad to be there for her. But one day I did just that. To ease her mind, also my mind. I couldn't stop for what I started, didn't known what the future would be. I was drawn to her. Her aura or maybe it was this power that I've witnessed before me. As I carried her in my arms to where Mr. Tang directed me to go.
The DDS sick bay that was located on the second floor just off the lounge area. I laid her down on one of the hospital beds in the room. A woman I believe her name was Angie as she introduced herself on the first day we arrived. She was petite so I had to look down at her. Her voice didn't match her body frame. But she didn't let it stop her from doing her job which was healing.
" What has happened ? Why us she unconscious like this ? " she asked looking Shayla over in examining mode.
Mr. Tang stepped forward and spoke up. Telling her " She's awakened. Her encounter with those minions must have set form this reaction. Please help to stabilize it before we have one heck of an fight on our hands before we are ready to do so. Understand Angie ? "
She nodded, went back to her examination of Shayla. Not in the traditional way of what human doctors do here on earth. But by gliding her hands over her body from top to bottom. This is how she treats the DDS members when they come back to headquarters injured. Now Shayla lying there looking as she's in pain by the way she was scrunching up her face. And breathing heavily in contrast when I first brought her here. She was still pretty unconscious, not moving. I guessed something Angie did play a part in the agonizing face she is displaying.
Then Angie to started to chant some words of an language I've never heard before. Suddenly her demeanor relaxed. Now I felt that she was in good hands. I was off to find Master Tang to get some answers.
After looking for awhile, different people telling me different routes to find him. They all turned out to be false leads. I finally decided to sit myself down, take a breather. Miguel sat down in the seat across from me. He stared at me for some seconds then began to speak.
" I felt energy awhile back when both you and Shayla left the room earlier, " he stated with his arms crossed looking intimidating as ever.
I stared at him, thought was it my place to tell him about. I mean I should he's putting his life on the line for our cause. We needed all the help we could get. This wasn't just an worldwide event it was the whole universe we had to save.
As I was I thinking this. And we probably in a stalemate. Kiet came over and sat down, asked.
" What are you two sitting here looking so serious ? " he looked between the both of us.
I didn't know he came back from his trip. So I changed the subject.
" So did you have any luck in search of the person you went to find, " I asked Kiet as Miguel sat there giving me the eye.
" Nah that guy was one tough one to find. I searched all the known places he would show up at. Sadly it was all for nothing. Master Tang told me we needed a bigger search party. I suggested that in the first place. But he didn't want to leave this place not well guarded, " Kiet said making hand gestures as he spoke.
He was a little too chatty for my taste but I heard him out.
" Are you going tell me what happened ? I'm tired of this guy flapping his lips, " Miguel said cutting off Kiet in mid sentence.
I couldn't put it off any longer. But I couldn't seem to open my mouth to form words. Two sets of eyes were fixed on me now. It made it harder while they were staring at me.
Suddenly, I heard the chair next to me moved. It was that boy named Jordan that's always hanging around Shayla.
" What's going on ? Y'all look way too uptight. Is this about that power surge that came from Shayla earlier ? " Jordan said innocently not knowing that I was having a hard time telling Miguel not even this Kiet fellow.
" Is that what's this all about ? You Ji soo over here brooding. And Muscle man looking like he's about to blow a blood vessel soon, " Kiet exclaimed then letting a breath like he could be at ease finally.
" I already knew it came from her. I just had to confirm it. I knew those minions were messing with her in the park before I caught up with her. I didn't think they did any damage. Maybe they were just checking her out because whoever was controlling them knew of what she was, " Miguel explained his reasoning of wanting to know my side of the story.
I was actually there but I knew for sure that her power was felt throughout the entire DDS facility. And maybe many miles beyond.
" I do want to explain things to you guys but I want to be in the presence of Shayla. That's what I believe she deserves, " I announced to everyone sitting at the table, was pretty sure others heard also.
Do y'all think Shayla will take the news well ? And who do you think is behind anything that has happened so far ?
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