Hangover/ Job hunting

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Shayla pov »

It's official, I have an hangover....

Head pounding, I eased my way towards the bathroom.

There now, taking a look at myself. I gasped at the person looking back at me. And didn't like what I'd seen.

My hair was a mess, standing every which way. My clothes were disheveled. And worst of all my face without make up, tear stained.

I was an hot ass mess !!!!

* a snicker ain't gonna fix dat 😂

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* a snicker ain't gonna fix dat 😂

" Girl you looking ugly today, " I told myself.

I think I should never drink again in my life. It's the worst, I needed to get something for this headache but really it's more like headsplitter.

" Why did I think that was such a good idea. "


Later on that day »

I was glad I was feeling better to actually open eyes. I decided I should get lunch out. I probably needed some fresh air.

So I got up, showered and dressed. And left my hotel room to find a good restaurant first then start my job hunt.


Finding work was harder than I expected. Maybe I should've tried looking online first. Instead I thought checking the vicinity from the hotel would work. And it didn't make it better that I chose to walk instead of drive.

My mind was telling me to be thifty but my body was screaming. What in the hell you doing to me. Let's just say I needed to exercise more. So I took an seat at nearby bench to catch my breath.

As I sat there, I told myself I needed to stop maybe try again tomorrow. Just then an flyer flew at my feet. So I picked it up, read it.

It read......

Tang's furniture store

Sales person needed........

( author here * sorry dis lame excuse of an flyer. To explain it to you simple. This is all she saw. Because she's desperate for a job. )

Then I folded the paper up and put it my purse. Maybe it was some kind of scam to pull people into something dangerous. I mean who does flyers anymore. Or I could be thinking too much. I could check it out but only in the day time.

As I was thinking the worst about this, my phone to rang. Not my other one I turned that one off, I brought an new one. Because I knew I would need one if I was to start looking for employment. And didn't go outrageous with my choice, just got a simple phone to talk and text with.

That's all I needed for now always.

Catching it before it hung up. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard a woman asked " Hello is this Shayla Roberts ? "

" Yes. This is her. To whom am I speaking to ? " I asked.

" Um, I'm from B & B grocery store. And you came in this morning, filled out an application with us. So I was calling you to set up an interview if, when you're available. "

I was gonna say right now but my body was saying you better not. So I told her I'd like to come in tomorrow morning. And we set up an time before hanging up.

I couldn't be choosy right now, the phone call did come on time when I wasn't sure about going to that furniture store. And I should be happy that at least one place I applied at call me back. I have experience too so getting this job should be easy.

I hope.......


The next morning ~

I wore my best outfit to help land to this interview. And got in my car, to get there at the appointed time.


There now, I got out and walked in the place with confidence. And went over to the information desk, told someone I was here for an interview. She told me to wait a minute because the store manager named Angie was on the floor now, she'll back soon. So I took a seat in one of the chairs they had at the front of the store and waited.


Some time passed because I checked my phone couple of times. Twenty minutes, I've been waiting for this woman called Angie. Didn't she remember that I was coming today or Did that other worker forget to tell her I was here ? I needed find out.

Just as I was about to get up, someone came up to stand before me.

" Are you Shayla Roberts for the interview? I'm Angie Carr, I'll be your interviewer " she said putting her hand out for me to shake.


When the interview was over, I walked out the store with gained employment. I was elated. This was an start until I could find something better. So I would work starting tomorrow. And do my best at it.


Unknown pov ~

As I watched her leave the grocery store. I wondered why she didn't take notice of the flyer that I so conveniently sent her way. But she'll soon find out that taking this job wasn't the best decision to make..........

Well another chapter finished. I hope it wasn't too boring. But thanks for reading anyways. ❤

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