I was falling fast into a pit of darkness where I couldn't tell which direction to go. And what was definitely evident was the smell of blood. And my rapid breathing...
Daniel's pov-
I had done it again, I lost track of how many cruel and unusual, definitely gruesome act committed. After that voice in my head came forward, it was getting louder and louder each day inside my head.
It was pushed to do these things. By first plaguing me with nightmares, they made me re-live the darkest part of my past. The ones that I tried my very best to push down, cover up. I even fixed my outbursts of anger many years ago, had thought that conseling would help. My family would down me for doing certain acts as teenager for, my parents made me go to take care any problems I embarrassed them by back then. Because it wouldve gotten back to a certain someone. The person was no family of mine, I did my damnest to be far away from him as possible.
So when I met Shayla's dad in college because he was my professor. He helped me obtain something better from what I had to grown up with. Even though it was something off about his wife, she only went down hill after he passed. The bought up an marriage to her only daughter. So much so that she came to me crying one day, about it that her daughter needed someone to care of her. Because she was getting older and so on.
And mainly that she was truly worried about her because she also went through something mentally. She went into detail about when she was younger she almost drowned. Saying her daughter was mentally unstable as Shayla talked about an glowing boy saving her life, it was only time she have seen him. And how it almost destroyed her marriage, so on.
Hearing this, I wondered why she was telling me all this. Maybe Shayla would be upset at me for knowing something like this without her permission. It made me didn't want to take her offer at first. But her mother wore me down, I got it into my head maybe just maybe I could fix her. We were well for awhile but then I began to feel that everything and anything she did would get on my nerves.
Then some words she said about me got back to me through an mutual friend. I couldn't believe she put our business out there for Gods knows how many people. I confronted her, she threatened to leave me. And I apologized at the time. But I got it into my brain that couldn't happen again. So I made the conditions for her world to become smaller, I just couldn't have it to display itself like it did in the past. I could've been 100 % succesfully in all of my plans if wasn't for that one nuisance of a friend of hers. I did some many things to deter Shayla to stop her friendship with that girl.
Nothing worked to my dismay, I hated her for it. I would insult her on the dialy but she had the bitch to uplift her. I knew what I was wrong but needed things to be under my control for my peace of mind. Plus her own mother pressure me by telling me to use any means necessary.
But she left anyways, I couldn't truly fix what was wrong. How could I fix someone else ? Now I know I had done her wrong.
" You truly think you can be forgiven huh ? Yeah right you can never from your past, especially you can't get away from me. I'll be needing you for my plan to work. So keep doing my bidding until I call for you. Okay you whiny little bitch..." that voice again said to me telepathically. Then I felt this intense burning sensation take over my whole body, my conscious mind was pushed back so far that I had no more control of body. Believe me I tried, I slowly was closed off from the world.
Shayla's pov-
Floating but somehow I was completely still. And how I knew this, is because I could feel it all. It was like if I'd move in a certain way or maybe try to on one side. My eyes were obviously closed because how tight I held them shut. I was actually scared to open them to acknowledge that what I was experiencing was going to be good or possibly bad.
But I needed to know what was unknown to me, I definitely couldn't waste precious time lying back doing whatever I was doing. So I proceeded to open one eye slowly to scope out what was going on around me. And what I saw as darted my one eye around.
I focused in on an multitude of colors, I was undoubtedly stunned. Purple, green, yellow and orange were that colors that stood out to me. Very much so that I needed my full sight to witness the spectacle of it all. By opening my other eye, I thought that I would see the full show in my vision.
Once I did suddenly I was blessed to see the miraculous event unfolding for an split second before I was whipped away from it all. To another space entirely but what I was experiencing now was an absolute brightening hot white light that was actually causing me so much pain this very moment. I groaned and blinked several times to get my bearings, I then begin to pummeled, fast.
To where ? I didn't know. These were the questions that racked my mind as I was descending.
And after what seemed like an long but short time, I couldn't believe I was actually seeing the person I've wanted to see for so long. It put a smile on my face, I closed my eyes. Immediately the darkness came afterwards.
yes I know I took another short break in updating this story. The world been crazy during that time, plus I had a lot to do. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, tell me what you think.
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