Chapter 7

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Sierra's POV

I did not think. I don't know if it was my Lovatic instincts or just my conscience, but my legs just started running across the stage as fast as they possibly could.

"Demi!" I could not let her die. She's the reason why so many girls are still alive today. She's saved me multiple times in my life. I just love her so much. I'd be willing to risk my life even.

Before I knew it, I jumped and grabbed Demi's torso from the side, throwing both our bodies into the air. I heard a few pops and felt a sharp pain in my back and left thigh.

It was like someone hit me from behind with a baseball bat, knocking the fucking soul right out of me, sending me into the air. For a moment, I felt time stopping.

Demi's POV

I did not know what was happening. I was having a good time singing onstage with Sierra and I ended up getting tackled by her. 'Huh?' Only when I heard a few shots and our bodies flying in the air did I notice. She was saving me from a gunshot.

Why would she take a chance with her life to save me? She had a whole life ahead of her. I couldn't bear to see her die, knowing I would the cause of her death. I just can't.

Why the fuck do I always make the wrong choices. First Wilmer and now this. Maybe I am a horrible person, despite the fact I'm helping young girls through my music. Even if I'm in recovery, I still feel I have to put on an act at times so my fans won't suspect anything wrong in my life.

"Max! Call a medic!"

I hugged her gently while she was on the ground while lifting her a little to wrap my arms around her. My vision was getting blurry from the tears and I was begging her to stay with me.

"Please, Sierra. Please, please, wake up. Say something." I said while choked up.

I unwrapped my arms and faced her again, waiting for a response. When I couldn't get an answer from her, my heart broke. 'Why do I keep losing people in my life?' I screamed in my head. It's all my fault.

A couple pair of hands appeared and they lifted her onto a stretcher, quickly sending her the hospital. I asked if I could come with them and they said no. I just nodded.

I searched the seats for her stuff and I saw a black Jansport backpack covered in dirt, probably from the stampeding. I opened it and found a worn out wallet to find a card with her photo and "Sierra Montez" next to it.

I put it back into her bag and swung it onto my shoulder. I ran backstage and found Marissa near the entrance to the stage.

"Marissa!" I yelled even though I was only a foot away from her. "We have to go to the hospital! I need to know she's alright!" She wiped the tears from my face with her shirt sleeve.

"Of course, honey. Come on!" She said grabbing my arm while we made our way to the packing lot behind the venue.

Hey, guys! I know this update is short, BUT I have an entire week off from school ("study week"), so more time to write. Yay.

If this chapter sucks, please tell me why. I don't know, but I feel like I'm losing my creative writing skills.

If you have any suggestions that you want to happen in the next chapter, that would be really helpful, and maybe I could update sooner. ;)




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