Chapter 2 (Edited)

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I've decided to run away. I didn't know where to, but I knew what to do the next day. Go to Demi Lovato's concert.

I bought and printed my ticket and meet and greet from online using my fostermom's credit card.

This was the first time I've ever ran away from a foster home, and it did scare me knowing I wouldn't have a place to stay. I'll find a homeless shelter or something. At least it would be better than living in a house where no one would give a shit about you.

I don't really care if she finds out and hands me over to the police, I just don't want to see her face again. At least it gives her another reason not to have me in her house anymore. I'll call my worker tomorrow morning that I ran away.

I've already packed my bags-actually I didn't really unpack much, and at 1:00 in the morning, I managed to sneak out of the house unnoticed.

By the time I got to the homeless shelter, I was exhausted. They gave me a room and I collapsed onto my bed face first. After ten minutes, I fell asleep.

*~*~*~*~*Next Morning*~*~*~*~*

"LIKE NEON LIIIIGHTTTTS WHOOOOAAA,"  My phone screamed. I woke up with a jolt and rummaged through my bag and found it. I looked at the caller ID and saw my worker's name.

"Sierra, where are you?!" My worker screamed into my ear.

I knew this was coming. "At a homeless shelter. Why do you ask? So I could return to that sweet, loving foster mom?" I said sarcastically pretending to be innocent.

"This isn't funny!" My worker hollered over the phone again. "Your foster mom was worried sick about you. We were about to call the cops if we couldn't find you in the next 20 hours."

Yeah, right. Rosa obviously played the little-old-lady card on him and acted like it wasn't her fault.

"Can I just please stay here for a little while longer? There's somewhere I want to go, today," I guess it came out more of a whine than I've intended. I didn't want to say I'm going to a concert, because then he'll ask where I got the money from.

Michael sighed. "Okay. But call me if you need anything"

Around 6:00 that evening, I was standing in line outside the concert venue with the other fans waiting to get inside. When they finally let us in, I went backstage for the meet and greet.

On my way there, a girl who looked 15 with wavy dark purple hair ran into me and we ended up butting heads.

'What the fuck?' I cursed in my head.

We both got up and I saw she was crying.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked her, but she ran off sobbing, leaving my question hanging.

A/N: Hey guys! I know. It's been a while since I've updated. Writer's block. But don't worry, Demi's coming in the next chapter. ;)

Have any idea who the purple-haired girl is? :)

Why do you think she was crying?

What song will Demi sing with Sierra?

If you haven't noticed, I've updated my other fan fic, Arigato Demi. I am really excited to write the rest of the story. I hope you guys like it.

Also what do you think of this story? What do you want to happen in it? Comment or PM me and I'll probably include it into the story.

Vote Vote Vote! It'd be much appreciated

Take a Blow for Love (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now