Chapter 1

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Here's where she meets Prince Charming but she won't discover that it's him till chapter three.

Everyone says high school is the best part of your life, well they're wrong. Its the worse time of your life with girls who are popular, and the jocks all hate on you and your friends.

We were sitting at lunch and by we I mean Peter, Ned and I at a table with me across from those two. It was quite a boring day so far, a normal day perhaps everyone asking us for answers for the science homework from last night and when we said no they would get all angry. We were walking to class and passed by a flyer that caught my attention with a red rose on it.

"Oh my gosh guys look at this," I said all excited grabbing onto Peter's arm who which grabbed Ned's arm taking him with us.

"I swear (Y/n) if this related from that flipping movie from Saturday I will kill you." Peter said with much annoyance he probably was sick if that movie for the rest of his life.

"I don't care. But look auditions are for the musical and Peter I think you should do Gaston."

"Your hilarious."

"I know."

"You're right (Y/n),a scrawny boy who has no muscle play a guy who has hair everywhere and has biceps to spare." Ned says while laughing his head off.

"No on-" We start to sing with Peter annoyed with us and starts to walk away. 

"Look there he goes, isn't he dreamy! Monsieur Gaston! Oh he's so cute! Be still my heart, I'm hardly breathing. He's such a strong, tall and handsome brute!" Ned and I sing at the top of our lungs.

"Oh he actually left us." I tried to say seriously but we both end up dying of laughter.

- - -

"Hey Mom, I'm home." I said walking into our apartment.

"Hi Honey, how was school?" She said while cooking dinner in the kitchen.

"It was okay." I had to leave the part about the musical because she would go into crazy mother mode saying 'You should go for it' or would call up my whole family saying that I was in the musical already.

"Did you see Peter today Hun?" She said trying to me get to be social for once.

"Yeah Mom, I see him every day."

"Okay sorry for wanting to make a conversation with you."

"It's okay." I said jumping off of the counter. "I'm going to go see him."

"Alright be back by 8."

"Bye Mom."

"Bye Honey."

- - -

"Hello (Y/n) what are you doing here?" Aunt May answered the door for once and not Peter, its probably he doesn't know that I'm here.

"I was wondering if I could see him?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure, you know where he is." She said just letting me in and because I am such a nice person I took off my shoes, which Peter never does at my place. But yet he makes me do the dishes here, that jerk.

I walk down the hallway looking at the pictures on the walls until the same one stops me every time when I'm here. Peter and his whole family, his Mom and Dad, Aunt May and Uncle Ben as a happy family, just months before the accident that would put his parents in the ground next together without having the chance to say goodbye to their only son. Then years later his only father figure left on this Earth, Uncle Ben was killed saving a young girl who got kidnapped, the girl got away thankfully and her parents paid for more than half of the funeral costs to help out Aunt May. Life was so perfect for them before that one day that brought Peter's world down.

I walk into his room putting on a smile and bouncing on top of his bed without a word.

"(Y/n) what are you doing now?" He sounded very annoyed with me after singing in the halls.

"I'm tired and done with high school." I said with my face down on the bed.

"I bet so. High school is a lot of work after sitting down for almost an hour and you shouldn't be tired because you already know most of this stuff." He would say stuff like that because he wasn't lying, the reason I was always tired is because I would be researching the Avengers.

"Whatever Peter."

"You know sleep can be a blessing in disguise, you know." He still doesn't look up at me because he is working on something.

"What like in Sleeping Beauty where she gets cursed and falls asleep for years is like you saying that I should sleep for years and then my Prince Charming would come and save me."

"Sure but that's what you said, not me." He really wanted out of this conversation.

"So Peter would you be the Prince Charming or would some stranger would be it?" As soon as I said it he choked on his coffee.

"What did you say?" He asked with coffee on his face and some on his dark shirt.

"Nothing." I skip out of the room and at the end of the hall I yell, "Bye Peter." I put on my shoes and walk out while saying goodbye to Aunt May.

As I walked out of the door and out of the apartment building I didn't even realize that this is how my story would begin.

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