Chapter 9

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Warning! This chapter contains negative body image!

There was the rest of the team, sitting  a few seats in front of me with Liz standing in the middle of the aisle, asking questions in order to be prepared for Nationals. Me, I was listening to (favorite song) with one earbud in and looking out the window with Peter sitting right next to me and Ned sitting near us.

I mean it's kind of a good thing I wasn't answering, it's for the ones who are actually representing our school, not me. I'm just the back-up for anyone who couldn't show up for this trip, seeing how it was a little bit expensive than normal school trips but I mean it's to Washington D.C..

A nearby phone rang and I look at Peter who was looking at it, reading the words on the front screen reading 'Happy' as soon as Peter looks at the screen he looks at Ned and answers the phone and walks toward the back of the bus while talking to a person named Happy, which is such a weird name but whatever.

As Peter I look at him leaving wanting his presence to stay and longing for him to stay but of course he doesn't but someone else saw the look in my eyes. Ned gave me this look like he didn't even know who Happy was but maybe he was some extremely distant relative that Peter never brought up because of some family dispute.

"I know that look (Y/N)," Ned whispered to me across the aisle but fails at the whispering part.

"What are you talking about Ned?" I literally had no idea what he was talking about.

He gave me a smirk in response trying to get his point across without saying anything. I responded with a confused look, Ned just shook his head and gave up. I put in both of my earbuds and continue to look out the bus window as Peter got back to his seat. From what I could understand Peter and Ned had a short conversation then Peter answered one of Liz's question correctly as I looked over to him I could see love in his eyes. I rolled my eyes over to the window where I sat looked out of for the rest of the trip until I fell asleep while listening to (Favorite Song).

"(Y/N) wake up we're here finally," A voice spoke but I did not know who. I started to fully wake up from the nice nap I had on the really uncomfortable bus only to see that was full on leaning on Peter's shoulder. My cheeks grew a very light shade of pink, this has happened before but only at Aunt May's not in front of people. His jacket was also on top of me but it was very comfortable. I saw him looking at me with somewhat pink cheeks it seemed like, I couldn't tell because of how dark it was.

"Okay hold on," I stood up and stretched and took the jacket along with my things off the bus into the cold air. "Peter I'm still wearing the jacket," I flat out told him as we got off of the bus.

"Hey wait no you don't I'm cold too! (Y/N) please!" Peter whines to me even though the hotel was extremely close like only a small parking lot away.

"No, besides Peter we are almost there anyways."

We finally got inside of the building and was greeted with warm air, got our paperwork signed decided that it was somewhat late and went to our rooms. I looked on my paper that read the room rules, tv channels, and the notecard that I was given that says my room number and roommate for the trip. It read,

(Y/N) (L/N) and Liz Allen
Room 315

As soon as I set my stuff done into the room, I wanted to get out of there. I felt extremely uncomfortable with it just being me and Liz. I mean she had 15 bags inside of one big one. That's one too many bags and she would not even say 'Hi' to me at all. Does she have something against me or something? But she's so nice to everyone.

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