Chapter 10

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I heard voices on the other side of the door and they were Peter's and Liz's. This boy was running off to someplace who knows where and I never gave him back his jacket.

Now let's begin

I went to go sit down on the other bed with my back to the headboard and my legs brought up to my chest and just sat there, that is until I fell asleep.

"(Y/N)," A voice said. My shoulders were shaken back and forth. "(Y/N) wake up!" Right on cue a I woke up immediately to a worried Ned.

"Ned what's wrong?"

"(Y/N) it's 7:30 we leave in an hour!" Ned was so worried. Was Peter not back?

"Where's Peter?"

"Not back yet and I can't contact him at all!" Ned was starting to get frantic and scared.

"Alright Ned calm down Peter will be fine, you need to worry about getting yourself ready to go Nationals. I'll go back to my room and get ready and try to figure out where Peter is at, okay?" I put my hands on Ned's shoulders trying to calm him down.

"Okay I'll do that," He replies walking off to get changed.

I went over to the door grabbed my shoes not caring to put them on and sprinted out the door to the other end of the hallway to my room. Vigorously running the key through the room key scanner trying to get ready quickly but not fast enough to make Liz question my actions.

As soon as I get all of my stuff in my arms to go into the bathroom to change, I am face to face with Liz in the doorway of the bathroom.

"(Y/N), nice of you to finally show up," She said with a little frustration in her tone of her voice.

"Liz, listen I'm sorry I didn't come back last night. I fell asleep in a different room,"

I can't let her know about Peter missing.

"I just wish you would've told me instead of just running to a room," Now there was disappointment instead of frustration.

"I know and I'm sorry but I need to get changed so, can I use the bathroom?" I had to hide my urge to get to Ned.

"Yeah I'm sorry I'm in the way," Liz replied.

"No you're fine," Liz moved out of the way and let me in but underestimating my own strength I accidentally slammed the door. I looked at my phone to see at least 20 messages from Ned."Shit," Rushing around to get my hair and teeth brushed, changed and not act like something is wrong. "Liz I'll see you at the buses!" I yelled back to the room as I had my phone while trying to put my shoes on and get out the door.

"(Y/N) where are you going?" Liz asked acting like my mother.

"Getting breakfast down in the lobby?" I replied trying to sound convincing.

"I'll come with you," Liz grabs all of her stuff and runs over to the door. We head downstairs to the lobby to see different types of breakfast foods waiting to be grabbed by someone.

"It all looks so good!" I exclaimed looking at all of the different foods. There was different types of cereals, pancakes, eggs, crepes, and croissants.
"I should have been here an hour ago,"

But Ned needs my help. Gotta hurry.

I grab a plate full of many different types of food but I had a lot of (Favorite Breakfast Food) on my plate. I shoved to food into my mouth and looked to see that we had thirty minutes left until it was time to leave.

"Liz I'll meet you in the lobby when it's time to leave but I need to do something real quickly," I said trying to rush out of there.

"Oh okay," She sat there with only half of her food gone.

I walked very quickly to the elevators trying to not run and cause suspicion.

Peter if you are not in that room I swear to god your head will be on my wall.

So I won't be able to update until after next week because I'm going on a family vacation. I was gonna update yesterday but then I figured today is Tom's birthday so why not? Sorry it's such a short chapter but I've been busy and this is all I have time for.

I hope you enjoyed it!

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