Chapter 2

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I walked out and because I'm a good person I had to use the crosswalk because Queens is always busy on the roads. But of course I chose the wrong way because I walked passed a dark alley with one light at the end of it. There was nobody in there, which was a relief for me or so I thought.

When I walk I move my arms back and forth but someone or something grabbed my right arm and pulled me into the dark alley.

"Listen here kid you're gonna stay quiet and if you don't, I swear it will be worse."

All I could do was nod my head in agreement and say a not say a word.


"Hey man, you know it's very very rude to hold a girl like that you know?" A new voice came into the alley.

"Who the hell are you?"

The new voice walked out and stood under the light. He was wearing a red and blue suit with a mask with white eyes and a spider in the middle.

"Let me repeat myself man, it's very rude to hold on a girl like that." He said but I don't know how because there was no mouth cut out.

"No way spider creature human thing." He said gripping onto me harder.

"Ouch let me go!" I said trying to get out of his hold but it got harder.

"That's it." He was done with me and slapped me across the face. Hard. He let me go and I fell to the ground and backed into the wall holding my cheek.
I close my eyes for a quick second and i open the to see the man up against the wall being held up by clear sticky stuff that looked by webs.

"Hey are you okay?" The guy in a costume with his hand down to help me up.

"Yeah but what are you anyways?" I said with tears in my eyes thinking about what could've happened if he didn't show up in time.

"I'm Spider-Man." He replied after I was standing up and put his hands on his hips acting all heroic.

"But you sound like a 12 year old."

"Um well that's not my fault."

"Aren't you supposed to call the police or something?"

"Oh yeah right." As soon as he said that he was fumbling his hands trying to get his phone out. A few minutes later the alley was covered in red and blue lights from the cop cars.

"Thanks again Spider-Man." I said as turned to find nobody standing next to me anymore.

"Ma'am are you okay?" A female officer asked me with a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I think."

- - -

I arrived home in a cop car with the lights so bright that it covered my apartment building. My mother came outside with fear on her face wondering what had happened that the police were involved. I walked out of the car and a huge relief waged over her face. I wasn't listening to the conversation between my Mom and the Officers until she said,

"Thank you Officers for everything."

"No problem Ma'am." After they said that the turned to their car and turned out of the parking lot and drove away.

We went into our apartment and sat down on the couch and my Mom and a sitting pose like she wanted to know what happened.

"Honey what happened?" She asked me.

I didn't reply because I didn't even know what happened myself.

"(Y/n) (L/n) you better tell me or so help me." She would always say that if she wanted answers right then and there.

"I was walking home from Peter's and I went by alley and someone grabbed me and pulled me into the alley. He got ahold of me and someone saw this happening so he got him off of me while his friend called the police." I had to leave out the interaction of me and the Spider-Man otherwise her craziness would come out. Also the slap across the face because she would've taken his ass to court.

"Okay. Thank you, now go get some sleep Hun."

"Okay goodnight Mom." I said as walking down the hallway to my room.

"Goodnight." She yelled from the living room.

When I got to my room I put my phone on the charger and got ready for bed.

After I got ready for bed and I was in my pjs, I looked at my phone and was bombarded with messages from Peter like, 'Are you home yet?', that was sent about ten minutes after I left his place which is usually how long it takes to get home. There was also one like,'Are you okay?' and 'I'm really worried you usually answer fast' and 'I'm coming over to make sure you're okay'. I smile to myself at the fact that he cares about me. I decided to call him instead of texting because it would be nice to hear his voice after everything tonight.

"Hey Pete, it's me." I could barely finish  my sentence before he said something.

"(Y/n) thank goodness you're alright. I was so worried when you didn't answer the door when I came over to check up on you."

"Peter I'm fine, calm down."

"Wait until school on Monday I swear. You pull a stunt like that and worry me again like that." He said, I had to stop him before he would turn into my mother when we don't have flipping chocolate.

"Peter I was almost kidnapped and I would be dead if it wasn't for..." I didn't want to finish my sentence.

"Wasn't for what, (Y/n)?"

"Spider-Man, he was there and saved me. That's why I'm talking to you right now."

The line was silent on that side of the phone call.

"Oh my gosh. I'm coming over right now and you can't stop me and I'll be there in about 15."

"Okay I'l-"

"I'll be there soon don't you move from that bed from yours."

"How do you know I'm on my bed?"

"I'm live across the street on the same floor right across from you. What'd you expect?"

"I'll see you soon."

A few minutes later the infamous Peter Parker arrived at my door step and walked right in.

The Beauty and the Spider (Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now