Chapter 6

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It was a normal Saturday but then again when you live in a city with a superhero nothing is normal.

It was 11:43 when I woke up, I went straight over to my dresser and looked for the stone from the creek. I saw it in the exact same spot I put it in last night with the hammer and screwdriver.

Thank god it's still there

I got changed into a simple t-shirt that wen to my elbows, some jeans and went to the bathroom to my brush my hair because it was a bird nest. Once I was able to calm that down I went back into my room and checked my phone. Still nothing from Peter, again.

I got my keys and wallet and phone because you never know with me and went outside our apartment complex.

Don't go there. Don't do it

I did it. I took my normal way to Peter's, I didn't go the wrong way at all unlike last time.

I got to the seventh floor and knocked on the door and Aunt May answered the door.

"What do you wa- oh hey (Y/n) what's up?"

"Oh um can I talk to Peter if he's here that is," I was fidgeting my fingers because it's unlike me just to show up anywhere.

"Um yeah of course he's in his room and Ned's with him so just so you know,"

"Okay thank you," She moved out of the doorway and pointed to the hallway that led back to his room. "Oh by the way I'm leaving to go to the store so I'll be back in about 3 hours, help yourself to whatever is in the fridge and don't get pregnant."

"Aunt May!" My face was bright red like bright than a ripe tomato. 

I put my stuff on a table and I went into the cozy apartment, I went to the back where the bedrooms are and looked at the photos in the hallway and as normally stared at the one that got me every time for a few seconds.

I kept walking back to his room on the right. It was quite messy, clothes everywhere, on top of his bunk bed and dresser. The door was closed but not all the way. I opened it a little to fast but quietly.

I see Ned on the bottom bunk laying down on his back with his head facing the wall not seeing me. A hologram was with him showing buildings and a Spider-Man face on it.

"Hey Ned where's Peter?" I leaned on doorway with my arms crossed. He got up quickly and looked up at the ceiling and right back at me quickly. He had the flipping Spider-Man mask on.

Where did he get that

"Ned I need to talk to Peter where is he?"

"I-um well he um," He was hiding something.

"Ned spit it out, where is he?"

"He's not on the ceiling that's for sure," All you could here a smack noise like you know when you hit your hand on your forehead I was guessing that was Peter.

"What do you mean by that Ned?" I stood up straight and walked into the room. I saw Peter Parker hiding while being on the ceiling of his room like it was normal. He jumped down as I started to walk backwards. I got to the doorway with my hand on it, I was about to break into a run but couldn't even get a step because my foot was stuck with my heel facing the doorway. My foot was covered in a web.


"(Y/n) I need you to calm down," Peter walked over and put his hands on my shoulders and looked right in my eyes and he looked hurt.

The Beauty and the Spider (Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now