Chapter 11

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I made it up to the hotel room while trying to stay calm but at the same time not staying calm. As soon as I got to the solid colored door with the key card lock, Ned busted the door open with what looked like tears were about to form in his eyes as the door slammed shut behind.

"(Y/N) HE'S NOT BACK YET AND HE WON'T ANSWER HIS PHONE AND WE ARE LEAVING IN 10 MINUTES AND I DO-" I shut his mouth by putting my hands on his mouth to not cause any panic through out the hotel because you never who is nearby.

"Alright Ned calm down! When I take my hands away I need you to quiet down and not go yelling about this to the entire hotel," I told him trying to calm him down as he replied by shaking his head up and down rapidly. I slowly take my hands off and soon as that happened Ned went around in a worried panic to the point where I could not understand words coming out of his mouth. "NED SHUT UP! Listen I know you are worried but Peter can handle himself right? Remember he's Spider-Man? He can climb on ceilings for gods sake?!"

"Your right. I need to worry more about today and not him." Ned finally calmed down to where he was breathing somewhat normal.

"There you go, he will be fine but we won't if we do not head down to the buses now because I don't want to get yelled at by Liz." I said rushing into the room to grab last minute things and of course my yellow decathlon jacket.  "Ready?"


"Do you have the glowy thingy?"


Ned and I were walking but not walking though, a mixture of walking and jogging is one way to put it.

"Where were you guys, you do realize that we are gonna be late because of you?!" Liz was freaking out because we were a minute late to the buses.

"Calm down we are only one minute late. So stop worrying about being there three hours before it starts." I told Liz while breathing heavily a little bit.

I really need to get back into shape

"You know what I-" She was cutoff by our teacher saying we need to get on the bus to leave before the other teams staying there so that it won't be crazy crowded when we need to leave. "Come on Liz! Let's go!"

"We better get going Ned to get a seat," I practically said while pulling him behind me onto the bus to get a sit that was a couple seats away from the team. "He's gonna be fine Ned besides watch him be there waiting for us."

My phone vibrated and it was a message from work,

Keep an eye open still, it's no reason for you to slack off while you are gone.

"Alright, I will" I texted back.

This job was already hard enough but this was the reason I took vacation days. I mean it's in the name 'vacation day'.

I quickly got out of that conversation to see if Peter ever texted me back but there was only my messages to him with no reply. "Great," I sighed disappointedly.

"That's not a great way of saying great (Y/N)," Ned said as his leg was bouncing up and down.

"Peter hasn't replied yet and now I'm starting to get worried," I started to chew my nonexistent fingernails.

"First of all stop chewing on your fingers and calm down," Ned told me while acting like he isn't the most nervous one out of our group. "Actually you may have a reason to be nervous so continue,"


I guarantee by the end of this trip there is going to be nothing to consider my nails.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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