Chapter 8

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It was Monday, joy. At 6:45 in the morning I wouldn't be the person to be out of bed but I was already in the bathroom. I had on a simple black t-shirt with a graphic design of my favorite tv show/movie and simple pair of jeans and socks.

"If you lack the balls then you can go play dolls," I was singing along to the music that was in background, "Let your mommy fix you a snack."

This was a normal for in the morning get up and extra half hour incase I decided to start dancing and performing a song in front of an imaginary crowd in the mirror.

I was brushing/combing my hair along to Heathers but mostly dancing and while doing so that I lost track of the time but I had to keep going, in order to finish the song. I was doing the dance moves at the ending of the song. I didn't hear the door open.

"Or you can die alone!" I did the motion with a knife to my heart.

"You can fly eagles or if you prefer keep on testing me and end up like her!"

"Veron-P-Peter what are you doing in my house?" I was scrambling around trying to turn off the music and hide my embarrassment from him.

"It's time to go and I knocked and nobody answered and the door was unlocked so I let myself in," He replied explaining himself.

"Peter didn't your Aunt raise you better?"


"Fine go grab something to eat while I finish getting ready I'll be a few minutes," I yelled back at him as he walked down the hall into the big room that had the kitchen.

I ran into my room trying to grab everything at sonic speed and not look like a fool.

Too late, nice going (Y/n)

I had everything in hand and went out to the room where Peter was sitting with a pop tart in front of him, he also had that purple glowey thingy in this hand. He looked tired but still he looked like he was ready for the day.

"What do you think we will find with this thing?" He said breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know, but we will find something I know we will," I replied while walking over and grabbing a (favorite poptart) and put it in my bag, "But we need to get going."

He got up and walked to the door and went standing next to the door waiting on me while I was getting a pair of simple black converse on.

"You are so slow," Peter commented as I was walking through the door and turning to lock it.

"Rude," I said as I turned around and started walking down the hall without him.

"Hey wait up!" He said jogging down the hall catching up with me.

We walked in silence to the subway until I asked him, "Are you going to the decathlon finals?"

"Oh I-I'm gonna try to with all of the Stark Internship," He replied, "What about you?"

"Well yeah, I haven't been to Washington DC yet so I might as well," I answered while shrugging my shoulders.



We got on the subway and there was only seat open for the two of us.

"Ladies first," He said stepping out of the way letting me go in first.

"Well then you better get moving Parker," I copied him and stepped out of the way for him. We stared at each other and started breaking into laughter and walked into the subway and I sat down with a smirk.

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