Chapter 5

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We were at gym and I was miserable that day. We were all in our gym clothes with Peter and Ned in front of me and Michelle on my left. Peter and Ned were talking during the video and don't get me started on the video.

The video was Captain America with a school classroom in the background, I think. Saying stuff about the Avengers and how they were in fit and stuff.

"Do you know him?" Ned whispered to Peter but did a poor job in doing so. He was pointing to the screen.

"Yeah I stole his shield," He whispered back at him but really failed.

Wait what he stole Caps shield

I had to try to keep staring at the screen and not stare at Peter with disbelief of what he said. The gym teacher was talking again and blew that damn whistle again calling out directions.

"Hey Michelle you want to be partners?"

"Huh?" She looked at me with her head out of her book for the first in forever. "Uh yeah sure."

We go over to a mat and Michelle lays down in a sit up position and sit on her feet so she can't move but then I realize that she was still sitting there reading her book.

"Uh are you gonna do a sit up or you can't do them?" I had to ask her because everyone else was doing them and we were over here doing nothing.

"Yeah fine."

She ended up raising her book up and down. The teacher walked by and gave us a look and I had to give him a loon the said 'don't ask', he kept walking. I look over my left shoulder and see Ned and Peter as partners, like always. And I'll say Peter was going them very fast but had to stop and looked at Liz. It hurt but why?

"Hey what are you looking at?" Michelle said looking at me with her book on the ground.

"Huh oh nothing." I said all embarrassed while trying to hide my red face.

"It's your turn." She got up and traded me spots.

I laid down, put my knees up and got ready to do the required 50 sit-ups in under five minutes, joy.

I got them done in four minutes and got up and walked up to the bleachers to sit down and just think about things. Of course I was nervous for the audition but I didn't know if I was gonna go or not. There was no sign up, it was show up if you want to do it or not. I decided to not go, I'm too lazy to go to the rehearsal and I can't sing to save my life.

After school I was in our usual meeting place to walk home with Peter and Ned.  I stood there for about ten minutes playing on my phone I decided to start walking home but I didn't turn my street and kept walking to a little forest with a little creek. Only I knew about the creek and how peaceful it is. I would come down here after the divorce, it hit hard and all of a sudden. With me being young I didn't understand what was going on but I would go here to get away.

The trees would sway with the leaves along with the wind as the water flowed  and it was peaceful. He was gone in less than 6 months after the first time I found this place. I only come here unless I need to be alone and to think. I sat on a rock and looked out onto the creek, there was something glowing out in the water. It was a glowing rock that was purple.

"What in the world is that?" Of course, I was talking to myself.

I took off my shoes and socks and put them on the side with my jacket and backpack by the rock I was sitting on. I roll up my jeans up to my knees. I walk into the creek and I almost scream because of how cold it is, but I keep going. I get right next it I put my hand in the water to grab but I couldn't help but stare at it. The rock was more of a mix of purple of pink and it would glow the dirt and water all around it, it was gorgeous. I grab it and doesn't look like it's from Earth. I walk back to the rock that was by all of my stuff and I put the rock in my bag. I put the stone back in my bag and put my my shoes and unrolled my pants. I started to walk back home, when I got home it was about 6:30 and my mother would be home in about 30 minutes.

I decided to text Peter but he already texted me,

Hey where were you?

Nowhere why?

Well you weren't at our spot

I was there for 10 minutes and left because you and Ned didn't show up

...We got held up


We did okay?


What's is the matter with you?? You never act like this unless?


No Peter it isn't that time of month

Then why are you so upset

I'm not

He didn't respond.

I wait for five more minutes and nothing, he didn't respond.

He doesn't care.

I mean I shouldn't be mad but it hurts

Why? He probably manned up and went to talk to Liz after school and forgot about me and Ned. Or Ned knew and he forgot to tell me.

Screw it. I put my phone face down and went to my bag and got out that stone. I have 25 minutes till Mom is home while let's get busy.

I got a hammer and a flat edged screwdriver. I held the screwdriver towards the rock and I hit the top of the screwdriver with the hammer. It didn't break at all, no scratch or crack. It repeated this for another ten minutes.

"Honey I'm home!" A voice came into the apartment.

"Hey I'm in my room." I responded trying to find a spot in my room for the stone and hammer and screwdriver. I run to my dresser with everything in my hands, I open up a drawer and stuff everything in there.

I walked out of my room and acted like nothing happened to my Mom in the kitchen already cooking.

The rest of the night went the same minus the stone was always in my thoughts. Right before going to bed I check my phone to see if Peter texted back.


I put the phone on it's charger and went to sleep.

Sorry for not updating in a while a lot has happened in the past month with my family and it was fast and we were ready but we weren't. I lost my grandma and grandpa in two weeks and it hit my mom and sister hard the day of the funeral. I don't care if you don't read this but I needed to get it out there.

I'll update soon but I have band Camp all next from 8 in the morning to 9 at night so sorry if it's not next week.

See ya next time

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