Chapter 7

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Read the author note at the end....

It was about 6 in the evening when (Y/n) woke up, confused. She was on my lap with a little braid in her hair before she woke up, don't ask I was bored. Aunt May made fun of it, I don't know how to braid because I was never taught so let's just say that the braid was more of a bunch of hair looking like a braid. Whoops.

"Where am I?" She sat up and the blanket fell off of her shoulders and onto her lap and the floor. She scratched her head feeling the 'braid' in her hair, "Peter, what the fuck is this?"


"Um i-it's a braid in your hair?"

"No it's a bird nest," She said before trying to unknot the mess.

"Well I thought I did a good job,"

"You did a beautiful job o-" She said looking at me,

"I did?!" I was looking at her with excitement,

"... of making sure that I will be pulling all of my hair out tonight."

"Sorry I was bored and I couldn't reach the remote or anything because you feel asleep on me."

Her face went bright red like redder than my Spider-man costume.

"I fell asleep on you? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because you looked tired and I'm not a rude person so I let you keep sleeping and now that you're up I need to pee," I got up and ran out of the room and went straight to the bathroom.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was gonna say that it was adorable but he left to soon. I got up went to the table that I set my phone and stuff on and there was a bunch of notifications on the front screen covering a selfie of Ned, Peter, and me. The messages were from my mom, great.

'Where are you??'

'I'm gonna call the cops if your not home by 9'

'Answer me child'

I texted her back,

'Mom call down I went over to Peter's and I kinda fell asleep'

I got a message from her saying,

'Oh okay hun have fun, BUT NOT TO MUCH FUN'

My face was flushed with red, not flushed let's just say that it was redder than Maria Reynolds' dress, but I was praying that Peter didn't come out of the bathroom and see my face. I replied,


She responded,

'Yes really be home by 10'

I put my phone down and sat on the couch trying to figure out this knot on the side of my head in my hair, caused by him. Peter walked out of the bathroom and saw me trying to get my hair untangled but was failing,



"Hmh I hate you."

"You love me," He reached out pulling me in for a hug wrapping his arms and trapped me in his arms.

I do but you don't feel the same

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