❝ my name is barry
allen and i'm the
fastest man al- ❞
❝ hold it speedy,
what about the
reverse flash and
zoom? they both
are faster than
you. ❞
❝ well, technically,
but they're dead
now. ❞
❝ alright, lightning
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organic manipulation, you hadbeentryingsohardtomastereverysinglevariationofit and thishadbeenyourbiggestachievementoftheweek. withyourpowersyoucould shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers, youlovedyourpowers, becausetheycouldbesomethingbeautifulyetdeadly,foryou could cause plants to growat will, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk" wheninbattle. however, therewassomething youalwayswantedtodoandcouldn't, untiltoday. youhadspenttheentiredayats.t.a.r. labstrying to revive "mickey" a withered plant, youwereconcentratedbutstillyou couldhearcisco, caitlinandjulientalkinginlowvoices, being caitlin the optimistic one.