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⬆me rn about to do some explaining

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me rn about to do some explaining.

hi everyone! it's been a while since i last updated this book and for that i am very sorry. life's gotten complicated, which is part of growing up and i have to say that i hate it. i put this book on hold and really hoped to update soon but i can't come up with more ideas so i think fifty nine parts will be all for this gif series.

i am so sorry for everyone who was actually enjoying this and i want to thank you for sticking around, adding this book to your reading list, for commenting and answering the question at the end of each 'chapter' i love to see you sharing little bits of your personality through comments and interacting with one another, (yes, i read every comment you make, i can't answer all of them tho 😅 ) it really puts a smile on my face! thank you to all those ghost readers too (sup y'all) you could be nicer and hit that little star once in a while, it won't kill you.

perhaps i'll be back with updates, perhaps i won't, who knows, maybe season five will give me the inspiration to continue. anyway, i hope you understand, I loved writing this a lot, thanks to this i got to meet awesome people and that's why this book will always mean a whole lot to me.

thank you once again.
ilysm! 💞

ilysm! 💞

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