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Last Friday


Oh my god, where is he? I wake up and Hunter is not in bed and there's a note on the night table.

<<Em, I have gone to visit my parents, emergency call. You can stay at my place. I have told the lads, you can stay here so everything is fine. CUL Hunter X >>

I jump out of bed and open Hunter's wardrobe and get some grey joggers and stick with the same T-shirt he gave me last night. I go into the kitchen and there is Dean, I have never talked to him, but all I know is that he is Meghan's fling. He is very tall and very attractive, with brown eyes and brown short hair. When he sees me he stands up straight and says.

"Hi babe, what's up?" And then I laugh and say

"You know that Meghan is my best friend right?" He looks at the floor and gives me a small grin.

"Then you now that we aren't official." I don't like his attitude so I just turn around and grab a water bottle.

I realize that it's only me and Dean in the house so I decide to watch a movie and wait until Hunter arrives home.

It's three O'clock when I hear someone unlock the front door. I'm praying for it to be Hunter, but to my surprise it's Dean. He comes into the kitchen and drops his soccer bag on the floor and then comes into the living room and sits on the sofa, next to me.

"Side chick, are you still waiting for more, from Hunter?" He says with a smirk on his face and leans back onto the pillow.

"Just so you know my names is Emma. And I'm here because I don't want to go home." He looks up at me and says

"Oh mistery girl, I like it. What are you hiding from? Your ex?" I roll my eyes at the stupid words that just came out of his mouth.

"I wish it was that, but now I'm hiding from reality because it sucks." I can see how his eyebrows rise in suspense and then he says.

"I bet it's not that bad, come on baby doll spill the beans." I laugh because somehow he never calls me by my name, first side chick and now baby doll anything else? ...

"My biggest secret has come to the light thanks to my best friend." I can tell that I have got his attention on behalf of soon responding to me.

"Meghan?" I am surprised that he thought of Meghan and not Hannah.

"No, Hunter's girlfriend, Hannah." It looks like he is watching a thriller movie and he is about to find out who the is murder.

"Ouch, what did she do? That has Hunter hiding you from her?" He does have a point there.

I am not sure if I should tell him because I don't know him very well. But at the end of the day, everyone is going to find out so I might as well just tell him. And he hears it from me.

"My dad raped me when I was 14 years old, he was drunk." When the words finally come out of my mouth Dean's face is full of pain and disgust. He sits up straight and looks at me in the eyes and says.

"I'm so sorry I had no idea, anything I can do to help?" I smile at the fact that we have never talked and now we are talking about this and he is offering to help is so sweet of him.

" It's okay, now I have to get used to it by cause of everyone's going to find out because Jennifer Collins knows."

"Don't you worry I'll help you with Jennifer." He takes his phone out of his back pocket and strolls through his contacts list until he arrives at Jennifer's contact and selects 'messager'.

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