218 71 17

I had to split up the chapters :)


~ Hannah ~

I get in my car and start to drive on my way home. It's one O'clock in the morning and there are not many cars on the road. I stop at a red light and wait for it to change. I turn my left indicator on and turn the steering wheel. I can see a big lorry coming to me, I can only see the headlights making me lose my vision. I start to press the car horn, but he doesn't move. We are only 50 meters away. I turn the car wheel and then everything goes blank...

I hear someone shouting my name.

"Hannah Westley?" I can't open my eyes, I can't speak, I don't remember anything and the worst is that I feel dead, hopeless. I feel trapped inside my body. I have lots of questions like 'Where am I?', 'Why am I here?', 'What has happened?' 'Who is calling my name?'. But I can't ask anyone. I hear voices and feel people touching me, but I can't move.

I hear a familiar voice but I can't put a face to it. And that's when she says.

"It's Emma" I feel like I'm having a conversation with her, but I'm not. She starts to tell me stories of our childhood and it feels like I'm living them all over again. I can feel her hands on mine.

I hear a male voice, it's Kevin. I listen to the conversation he's having with Emma. It's like I'm invisible and I'm eavesdropping but I'm not because they can see me. This woman says "I'm going to take a blood test." And then I feel something sharp stick into my arm.

I can hear two people arguing. Emma and Hunter.

"If you two would have sorted it out, this would have never happened." Says the male voice, Hunter.

"What? Are you actually going to blame this on me?" Says Emma. I hate knowing that two people I love are fighting over me and that I can't even do anything about it.

"You were too selfish to not accept her apology because you were tired and then she ends up here, in hospital." I try to pronounce some words but I can't even open my mouth.

"I was tired and I got a call from here and came as fast as I could, not like you that didn't answer there phone." I can't concentrate with so much yelling.

"I came as fast as I could this morning when I saw your text messages from last night." I can't believe they are fighting like this in front of me. I can't feel everything and everything goes silent and then blank all over again.


I am arguing with Emma when the machine next to Hannah's bed starts buzzing. I look at Emma and run into the corridor shouts for a doctor.

"HELP, SOMETHING'S WRONG ." Two nurses come in and check her blood pressure.

"Internal bleeding from the brain." She says looking at the other nurse. The doctor comes in and tells us to wait in the waiting room. We go out of the room and see how the nurses take Hannah's blood and inject her again. Emma grabs my hand and takes me to the waiting room that's down the hall.

"She's strong she'll be fine." I let go of her hand and raise my voice and say.

"How do you know that?" I am so pissed at everything and don't feel like talking because I'm going to take my anger out on Emma and that's not fair, so I sit down on a chair and say.

"I'm sorry about before, I'm just annoyed" She looks up to me and then I hear someone say,

"Where is Hannah Westley? I am her mother." I stand up and go to the reception where Mrs. and Mr. Westley are. They are talking to Kevin.

"She is with the doctors, you will be able to go in soon." And with that she thanks them and the three of them walk over to me. Emma comes and stands next to me. They spot her and Mrs. Westley says.

"Hello Emma, I got your miss calls and then Kevin came home this morning." She looks at Kevin and smiles and then Emma says.

"Hello Julie, Hannah was okay until a few minutes ago, the doctors came in and found internal bleeding from the brain." She looks up at me and says.

"Nice to see you, Hunter." She turns her head and continues speaking, "Kevin told me that she is in a coma." Emma nods her head.

"That's what they said, but the doctor told me last night that she would wake up really soon." Her dad steps forward and looks to where the reception is and whispers.

"They don't know that."

I guess he is right. I heard on the news that you can be in a coma for years, I hope that won't happen to Hannah. But it must not be really serious if the doctor said that. But now they found internal bleeding so that's not going to help her recovery.

We all wait in the waiting room. After an hour waiting, the doctor comes in and says.

"Hannah Westley's family" The five of us stands up and the doctor's face turns into a small smile.

"Is she okay?" Mr. Westley and Emma say at the same time. He looks at both of them and says.

"The internal bleeding helped her to gain conscious. You can now go in to see her." We follow him down the corridor while he is talking to Hannah's parents. And there I see her lying in bed with her eyes open and then I feel relieved.



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