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In the car with the girls driving to the club, followed by three cars full of our friends. I lean on the window frame and start to realize that I might have been a bit too harsh on Hunter. It pisses me off that Hannah had to tell him today, my birthday. Today was my spotlight and she took it away from me like she always does. If I hadn't of told everyone anyway they would have eventually found out so I just announced it to make the progress easier. It wasn't my place to tell everyone but I still have rancour inside me building up each time. 

 I might have been a bit selfish because I'm nobody to judge them or spill that information out like that. Imagine if they wanted to keep the baby. After reflecting on that we arrive at the club, I quickly text my friend, William that's the manager of the club to tell us threw right away. He is one of my closest friends of my brother and told me for my birthday gift he would let me and my friends pass. We walk past the long line, everyone following me, I walk over to the security man and say William Firman 890. That's what Will told me to say. He lifts up the blackstrap of the barrier and lets the ten of us walk past while people stay to yell at us to get in line. Walking in as another security man opens the curtain revealing the room filled with lights and people. 

Fiona, Meghan and I walk straight up to the bar to get a drink as many people do, there waiting for the bar woman to get our attention. A few minutes standing up and waving our hands to the beat of the music the young blonde girl turns to take our order.

"I'll have whisky with tonic water," I yell over the music, Fiona orders a fizzy drink because she hates drinking and Meg orders a margarita.  We walk over to the sitting area, where the boys are sat. In the corner sat on two white bright sofas gathered around two black ceramic tables. Walking over trying to not spill the drinks or trip over the number of people dancing in the way is challenging. When we finally arrive there, Fiona quickly flees to take the spot her boyfriends, Garry, has saved for her. I sit next to Dean and Meg takes the spot beside me. The music is already making my feet tap to the beat. Dean leans in over my shoulder as I take the last sip of my drink and whispers in my ear,

"You wanna go and dance?" Indeed I do, I don't come to a club to sit down on a sofa. I would have prefered to go dancing with Hunter, but I don't see him here. He and Matthew started at home with some of their friends. It was supposed to be my birthday celebration but that didn't turn out to go so well. I get up as Meghan crosses her legs to let us past,

"Anyone coming?" I ask looking at them, Becky and Gemma join us. I haven't known them long but they are sweet. They came to our school new last year so I invited them because I want them to have the best last year ever and be able to be friends with us maybe. They are in my Physics class. Dean leads the way into the crowded people, as we step closer I breathe the sticky air, as we continue walking a girl suddenly freezes in front of me and vomits all over the floor, luckily not of my shoes. One of her friends comes and takes her to the bathroom I'm guessing. We continue to walk as we barge in between people as they dance.

And then we finally stop surround around millions of people.

"Show me some moves babydoll!" he shouts over the music making sure I hear him. I smirk and grab Meghan by the hand and start to twerk with her to show Dean a piece of his mind. Our bodies pressed against each together as our hips roll synchronized. Our hands in the air as everyone starts to bounce up and down in the air has my hair goes everywhere. The next thing I see is Dean and Meghan making out, to be honest, I don't understand them at all. They are friends with benefits, I couldn't have that. When I love a person I don't want him to be with anyone else romantically involved. I guess every person is different and in their case that works best for them. I head to the bar after a few songs as they are still eating each other's mouths. As always there are a lot of people ordering drinks at the bar. I spot this guy at the corner of the bar looking straight at me as he sips on his fancy cocktail. The barwoman reachers over at me and hands me a martini with two olives in.

"I think he's interested in you dear." She says as she throws her eyes back in direction of the guy in the corner. I smile and work up to him slightly grabbing the drink with both hands.

"Why a martini?" I aks curiously, normally a guy would buy you a soft cocktail, not a martini. 

"Because you have amazing green eyes just like these olives." I can't manage but giggle at the worst catchphrase I've heard in history. That makes me look at his eyes, they are dark, like mysteriously brown with long eyelashes, that every girl would die to have. His hair is combed back in a little high bun sitting on the top of his head. Wearing the black square glasses makes him more intellectual and attractive. 


So sorry, haven't been able to update due to the lack of time!! I am so busy with college at the moment. I finish in a month so luckily I'll have more time. But I'll still be posting!!


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