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Christmas holidays are the best in my opinion. Families fly across the country to be with the ones they love to sure the Christmas spirit, the love and of course the kind gifts that have been thought with so much kindness and love. Despite if you're angry with your family Christmas is the time for forgiveness as a new year is about to begin as well. My family and I aren't very religious so we didn't go to church on Christmas day we just had the big traditional meal and exchanged gifts as the younger ones opened them under the tree from Santa Claus. I got Ashley, my younger sister a doll she really wanted as she always asked for it so I told my father that I wanted to get it. I told her I had personally spoken with Santa to make sure he wouldn't forget to bring it to this address as he gets very business. I remember when I was younger with Dean in the backyard planning how we would sneak into the living room to see Santa come down the chimney that night. Today is New years eve and that's the night where the parties come in and without question, my old friend from here, Beverly Hills, is throwing the party at his house like he's done for three years now. Dean and I have been since he did the first one and it was such a success it began to become a tradition. And of course, this year is no different. Emma is in Virginia with her mum and Meghan's family. I spoke to Emma this morning and everything seems to be going fine as they arrived last night by plane. Meghan and she are going out with some of Meghan's old friends.

Dean and I are driving to James's house as it's already ten o'clock. People are on the streets all dressed up for the new year to begin. As we reach the house we see a lot of people walk in the direction of the house. Every year it's busy so this year isn't going to be very different. James went to the same high school as Dean and I so we have known him since forever. Sometimes we see some familiar faces in his parties from high school too so it's nice to catch up. As we find a parking spot across the street from the house we see a lot of young faces. Walking into the house past unfamiliar faces to greet James, Dean grabs my arm as points to this blonde girl in the corner of the living room.

"Is that Christina Fall there talking to that girl?" He doesn't have to shout much as the music isn't very high at the moment. I turn around and see her there rocking this sexy red dress.

"Falls!" He yells as he drags me over to her. She suddenly turns around confused. Her eyes glow up as she sees us standing in front of her.

"Oh my goodness! Taylor Lockwood and if not the only William Ravens. How are you guys?" she says as she hugs Dean. I hadn't heard the name William Ravens in a very long time. This is a step into our past and being called by those names again stirred a lot of different emotions inside of me. She steps closer and hugs me, her smell of vanilla surrounds me once again.

"We are doing good. Still living in Santa Monica and not much more." I say looking into her brown coconut eyes. The last time I saw her was when I said goodbye to her five years ago. Christina and I dated a while back and because I had to leave my life behind I broke up with her. It was one of the hardest things I've had to do, leaving the person you loved just because you had to change your name, your residence, the people you knew. Everything. It was hard at the begging but having Dean next to me going through it too was much easier. But having her here in front of me was taking me back to memory lane with her in my arms. I can't say I ever got over her because there was no part in me that wanted to leave her but now everything has changed. Now I have Emma in my life.

"It was so nice to see you Taylor and you too Will. I hope we can catch up sometime." She says as she smiles and walks off to the same girl she was talking too a few moments ago. I turn to look at Dean as he smirks at me,

"You son of a bitch!" That's the only thing I say as we continue to look for James around the massive house packed with people.

After a few hours talking with James and some of his friends, it's only two minutes left to countdown for the new year. We are all standing on the deck as we begin to count down,











Happy New year! We all yell at the same time. Fireworks in the sky, all colors and shapes as we all look up. Someone taps me on my shoulder. I look down and I see her there. Standing in front of me in her red sexy dress as her smile grows and the following words come out of her mouth,

"Be my first kiss of the new year!" I don't even hesitate for a second as my mouth rapidly kisses her soft tender mouth. My tongue playing with hers as she pulls slightly on my hair. The kiss begins to be more desperate as my hands touch her body in all kind of tenderness. I quickly open my eyes and pull back ignoring every inch of my body to press myself back on to her lips.

"Is something wrong?" She asks while she flutters her eyelashes in the most attractive way. Of course something is wrong! Emma. What was I thinking?

"I have a girlfriend now Chris. I'm sorry" She looks back up to me as she adds,

"She is a lucky girl then." And just walks off into the crowd of people once again.



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