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Dean and I are in history class sitting in the back row. Emma decided to sit next to Meghan in the front row for some reason. We are all talking since Mr Kendrick hasn't arrived yet until the Headteacher walks in.

    "Class listen up. Mr Kendrick had a bad fall so we have a substitute for the time he's off." And then I see the blonde beautiful women walk in. My jar hits the floor when I see her walk in with the biggest smile on her face.

    "Hello, I'm Miss Fall. I'll be teaching you history until Mr Kendrick gets back." And that's when her eyes land on Dean and I. Her eyes widened up and the headteacher adds,

    "Now behave and listen to Miss Fall." and walks off. Dean faces me as he begins to laugh.

    "Right, I'll begin by calling your names to start to familiarize your face with the names." She says as she grabs the paper from the desk. She starts to call out names as the students wave their hands at her. And then she arrives at D.

    "Dean O'Connor?" Dean lifts his arm up in the air while he adds, "Yep, that's what they call me." Her face frowns in all kind of confusion. She scans the list once again probably making sure she can't find William Ravens and continues. She continues making her way down the list alphabetically as she reaches to the H.

    "Hunter Lane?" I never thought in my wildest dreams that Christina would be teaching in my school and would have to find out everything.

I take a deep breath and raise my hand uncomfortably. Her faces are sending me all kind of emotions and questions. She can't understand so many things and the truth is that I don't blame her. After introducing herself she hands out some sheets to the class. When she reaches our tables she whispers.

    "After class stay here. We need to talk." and continues giving out papers. Dean looks over at me as I sigh. There isn't much we can do now. After class Emma and Meghan walk out as she signs me to meet in the cafeteria. We wait sat down as everyone leave the classroom. We stand up and walk over to her desk where she is waiting with her arms crossed on top of her chest.

    "Care to explain two simple things, Dean and Hunter? First, why is it Dean and Hunter and second what are you doing back in freaking high school?" She sounds mad but very confused at the same time.

    "Dean you go ahead." I say to him as we can't tell anyone any of those two things. He sighs and adds,

    "Falls, you can't tell anyone about this, okay? Right, so Taylor and I are under witness protection. We had to change our names, move away, change our age and not be in contact with anyone from the past. We can't tell you why we are under the protection and it's better if you don't but that's the truth." Christina and we used to go to the same high school, we dated when we were eighteen and I had to break up with her when we left everything behind. Now Dean and I would be twenty two years old. Nobody knows about this only the program and our family.

    "Dean, can you leave us a sec?" I ask as I think I've got some explaining to do to her. He nods and walks off closing the classroom door behind him.

    "So that's why you broke up with me? So it wasn't my fault? All these years I killed myself with so many questions and the truth is you didn't have a choice. You bastard!" She is right, I never told her anything, how could I?

"I had no choice, Chris. I left everyone behind. My biggest regret was losing you but that's in the past now. I have a new life now and soon I'll be heading to university." I have lost five years of my life because of this and I'm not going to lose any more of my precious time.

    "It's in the past for you but it isn't for me. There hasn't been a day I hadn't thought of you. And seeing you at the party and then kissing you was a big deal for me Tay!" My heart sinks as I hear her say those words because it wasn't easy for me either but now Emma is in my life, and she is my world, not Christina. If I hadn't gone in witness protection maybe everything would be different.

    "I'm so sorry for the pain I caused you but I have a girlfriend now." And with that, I walk out of the classroom to head to the cafeteria. Walking up to the cafeteria makes me realize that she is still in love with me. It hurts me because everyday now I will have to see her and it's hard for me. She was the first I ever fell in love with and to be honest I never got over her. I haven't thought in her for a long time but seeing her all over again and her saying those words just filled my body with adrenaline. As I enter the cafeteria I see Dean, Emma, Meghan, Aston, Brad and some of the boys from the team. Emma and Meghan are talking like they always do. I walk up to her and kiss her softly on he head and take a seat beside of her as she takes her bag from it. The boys are talking as I over hear Ashton say,

"Jesus fucking christ the teacher is smoking hot. I won't mind her going down on me." He always says those things about girls as they were objects or sex sleeves for him and without thinking twice I snap at him,

"Ash, fuck you." I'm about to get up and walk away but I think straight. If I do it would look suspicious. But just hearing him talk like that about Christina makes me want to take the shit out of him.

"What? She is hot. It's a fucking compliment." He continues as Dean suddenly cuts in.

"Drop it mate." And with that he stops. Dean and I have been through a lot and because of him I had to leave everything behind. I would do it again and he knows that. He is grateful for what I did for him and that's made our friendship stronger. He is one of those people I know I will have forever to cover my back and support me in the worse moments.



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