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Emma and her brother walk in front while I pull the two suitcases, I know exactly why he didn't shake my hand but I had to be polite so Emma didn't suspect anything. We reach a white range rover. Emma gets in the passenger's seat as I make my way to the trunk to put the luggage in. Daniel opens the trunk and glares at me with disgust.

"Why the fuck did you come? I punched you once don't make me do it again." He says lining up the two suitcases so the trunk closes.

"Look, I already told you that it's not like that," I say once again to him. He closes the trunk and crosses his arms and says.

"I'll give you another chance, don't fuck it up." He looks at the car and says "That's my little sister there, so watch it mate!" He is so serious that I nod and get into the car.

Two weeks ago - Hunter

Coming out of football practice late is the worst thing ever. Everyone has left but you. I had to pick everything up today because I arrived late, so that's my punishment. I finally walk out to the car park with my hair dripping down me. And I can see a figure leaning on my brand new car. As I walk up to him, I can't manage to recognise him.

    "Do you mind?" I say staring at the car. "What do you want?" I continue to say unlocking the car. He has brown dark hair and because it's late there isn't much light on him so I can't see very well his features, but he doesn't look happy at all. His arms are crossed on his chest. And the next thing I see is his fist in my face. I push him away and shout.

    "What the hell dude? What was that for?" I touch my lip and it's bleeding. I can see the anger in his eyes but I'm shocked. I don't even know who the fuck he is. I normally don't get beat up by random guys and that annoys me. I am frustrated because I don't know what I have done and who he even is.

    "You took advantage of my sister!" He finally spits out. I have no clue of who he is talking about.

Some girls come to mind but I always treat a girl with respect and never take advantage of her. Every girl is unique for me and has something different from the other girls. But Emma is extraordinary and wins all girls. I can't believe I'm thinking of her right now in this situation.

    "I can't even be bothered to speak to you. You probably don't even remember her name. Emily Skys! Does it ring a fucking bell in your stupid head!" I freeze. Does Emma think I took advantage of her? All of the contrary.

"Of course I know Emma. And how did I take advantage of her?" I ask dropping my bag onto the passenger's seat. He backs away from the car and we are both standing in front of each other. My lip keeps bleeding each time more.

"You slept with her when she was drunk. And after all she has been through I can't believe you are so son of a bitch to sleep with her because she's drunk and not fully conscious. Did your dad ever show you how to treat a woman?" And that's when I snap.

"Well, your father didn't because he raped his own daughter." I feel bad for saying that because it's Emma I'm talking about, but he stepped over the line bringing both my parents into the conversation and calling my mother a bitch! And there it goes I get punched in the eye. I don't bother to punch back because I know I deserve it for that one and I don't want to punch Emma's brother.

"Look I'm sorry but it frustrates me that you say that. I respect Emma a lot. I'm in love with her..." That's the first time I say that out loud. His face turns from a frown to a relieved expression. I wonder how he came up with the conclusion of me taking advantage of her. Did she say something to him? Well apparently yes because he knows we slept together.

"Does she think that I take advantage of her?" I ask while spitting blood out of my mouth again. He shrugs his head.

"You better get your head straight because you are with another chick so make your mind up. And don't play with Emma's feelings or any other girls feeling. Do you understand me? Did I make myself clear." He says poking my shoulder and then walks away with his hands in his pocket.

I get into the car and rest my head on the wheel for a few seconds trying draining in what had just happened. I start to drive the car towards the hospital to get my lip stitched up.

So I finish finals on Wednesday haha Finally!! Have a nice weekend and enjoy reading this chapter :)


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