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I was forced awake by Sebastian's mauled body, his voice threatening to end my life whilst I slept. Fane laid beside me, softly snoring as his arm hung over the edge of the single bed. I looked over at the clock, seven o'clock. It was the longest I'd slept in months before Sebastian's ghost woke me up. I got out of bed, trying not to wake Fane up. I crept down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Rosie bustling about.

"Morning Rosie."

She jumped out of her skin, "Goodness me! Angeline? I thought you would have left already."

I shook my head, "Nupp, I only just got up."

Her eyes widened, "What?"

I couldn't help but smile, "How great is it? I haven't had a decent nights sleep in months."

Rosie smiled, "Maybe the presence of a certain young male has calmed your wolf."

She winked at me before she returned to the stove, cooking mountains of bacon, sausages and rabbit. I giggled, "Maybe..."

She cocked her head to the side as she turned to me, "Maybe you should talk to Damien about this."


"Because you're of age now and you've found comfort with a Romanian Prince who is an heir for another pack. It could get messy."

A sense of worry came over me, "What do you mean?"

Rosie sighed, "If two wolves are from two different packs, as in packs from different countries, and they happen to be mates, there must be a meeting between the packs current leaders. To decide which pack the couple would reside in, in most cases they return to the male's wolf pack."

"But we might not be mates."

"But you might be. You're wolf hasn't been tamed in months, not since Mr Devonshire."

"So it might just be a phase, like it was with Will."

"But it might not be."

My heart jumped a beat, "I'm going to go for a run."

"You can't avoid this!" she shouted after me. I might not be able to escape it forever, but I could for this morning.


I return to the house, Damien stood outside the door, his arms crossed over his broad chest, his eyes showed he was deep in thought.

"Damien? Are you ok?"

He looked up at the sound of my voice, he looked anything but ok. His face was a combination of concern, fear and hurt.

"Why didn't you tell me?"


"About that wolf? You should have told me that he was your mate."

I took a step back, "Woah, Damien it was one night. My wolf was looking for company.. It's not like I could just walk away from some peace. Besides, he may not be. I don't know how to tell these things."

He shook his head, "Can't believe this."

"Believe what? That I'm still a teenage girl? I still have urges Damien, they're just a million times stronger than they were before."

"No, I can't believe that you would fall for a Romanian wolf."

That knocked the air from my lungs, "What is that suppose to mean?"

"I don't approve."

"I don't care if you don't approve. If anything, you are not above me, therefore you have no say over what I do. And you are definitely NOT my father."

That struck a chord, his eyes narrowed and he clenched his fists, his jaw tightening.

"No I'm not, but I knew you're father better than you ever did, and he would not approve."

My vision began to blur as my eyes filled with tears and rage, "I don't even remember his face. That's because of the son of a bitch who murdered him and my mother. And I killed him, for them. You say you knew my parents better than everyone. Why didn't you kill him? You could have ended that nightmare right then and there! But no, you left it to me. A poor, french orphan, who went her entire life not knowing who or what she was!" My voice raised to a yell, tears poured down my cheeks as my wolf tried to escape, it wanted to tear Damien to pieces, to rip his throat out. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists, my nails dug into the palms of my hands. No. I couldn't kill him. What kind of leader would that make me? I wanted to be looked up to, not feared. I forced my wolf to calm before I opened my eyes again. I looked at Damien with eyes of ice, I could see him trying not to cower in fear of my authority.

"I suggest you leave my sight. Before I do something I will regret."

I pushed past him and stormed to my room, passing Fane in the kitchen.

"Angeline! What's wrong?" He called after me, but I kept walking. Down the hall. Up the stairs. Into my room. Locking the door. I didn't even make it to my bed. I just collapsed to my knees on the hard floor boards and wept.

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