Chapter 17: Secret Identity.

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Chris's pov

It happens every night. I don't know when and I don't know what triggers it, but at some point every night, I leave. When I come back, I find burned clothes and blood. If I didn't know certain things, I'd call it sleepwalking. But I'm not just wondering out the door. I'm heading out with purpose. I'm searching for something. That's why I need you to follow me. I need to know where I'm going and what I'm doing. If people are getting hurt because of me...if I'm adding to the body count..I have to know. When I wake up at night, when it takes over, I want you to follow me. And if you have to...I want you to stop me.

Those were the words Parrish said to me right before he fell asleep.  I'm sitting in a chair next to him and I'm watching him.  I have my gun in my hand and I'm just waiting...waiting to see what he does. 

It's been hours and I see Parrish's eyes shoot open.  I sit up a little and stay quiet, observing his moves.  He stands up and walks out the door and I follow him.  I'm in my car following him as he's walking down the streets.  I pull my phone out and text Scott letting him know that Parrish is heading for the school. 

I get to the school and get out of the car and pull my gun out.  I notice Parrish is gone so I start walking around.  I see Scott, stiles and Liam approaching me and I go over to them.

"Where's Parrish?" Scott said

"I lost him.  He's moving too fast" I said

"Scott. That guys not moving at all" Liam said and we all looked over.

A couple feet ahead of us we saw a body laying on the ground.  We all start walking over and see a guy laying there with some intestines ripped out.  We look ahead a see another body and walk over to that one. 

"Look" Liam said

We all look up to where the buses are and see bodies everywhere.  There's at least 20 bodies laying around.  We see one of the bodies start to move and we get closer.

"Help me" he said

"It's a trap" Parrish said coming out of nowhere. I see his eyes are orange and his skin is glowing orange like flames. 

"Please" the guy said

Scott started walking over to him but Parrish stepped in front of him.

"You can't help him." Parrish said

The guys body is then thrown out of the bus and we see the Beast appear. 

"That's big.  No one said it was that big" stiles said

"I did" Liam said

The beast roars and then Parrish brings out claws and roars and his body goes into flames.  The beast jumps out of the bus and runs off and Parrish runs after him. 

"What the hell's happening?" Scott said

"It's getting smarter" I said

The beast is getting more powerful.

Mason's pov

I'm at school right now running through the halls looking for Cory.  He told me last night he was leaving today after school.  Like legit just leaving town because of everything that's been happening. 

I go into the locker room and find him packing up a bag and walk over.

"You're just gonna leave? What about your parents?" I said

"They barely noticed when I died the first time. Look at this..." He said then took his shirt off.

There were burn marks everywhere on him.  Really bad burns.  The burns from when he got set on fire at Eichen.  Malia was able to take a lot of his pain away but the burns he has don't look to good. 

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