Chapter 14: All About Power.

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Stiles pov

Scott, Kira and I are all on our way to the hospital.  There were 23 bodies found.  When we get there we rush in and see my dad and go up to him.

"Who found them?" I said

"Argent.  And he said the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is." Dad said

"We've got a theory" Scott said

"It's a slightly terrifying theory" I said

"Well, the M.E. said that the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in the tunnels" dad said

"Hey, what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies." Scott said

"Why would they do that?" Kira said

"Maybe they're covering for it. Protecting it like a parent would." I said

"Protecting what?" Dad said

"A werewolf" Scott said

"It's called the Beast" Kira said and my dad looked a little freaked out.

"We know.  Horrifying" I said

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish. Because it looks like his dream is coming true" dad said

This is gonna end up horribly. 

Malia's pov

I'm at the clinic right now waiting for Theo to show up.  He's going to help me find Deaton.  I hear a noise and look up to see him walking towards me.

"So?" I said

He comes closer then pulls out this huge needle.

"'re kidding, right?" I said

"Look, I promised I'd help and I will" he said

"That's supposed to help me find Deaton?" I said

"No. Something in the Dread Doctor's operating theater is going to do that. I can take you there, but I can't let you see where it is." He said

"Ever hear of a blindfold?" I said

"Not one that works on a werecoyote" he said

"What's in it?" I said looking to the needle.

"Wolfsbane. The same kind they used on Liam. It won't last and there's no permanent side effects." He said

"Why should I trust you?" I said

"You shouldn't.  But you will. Because the Desert Wolf could be here and Scott's boss could already be dead. You want to give Scott the bad news? You want to tell him it's your fault Deaton's dead? Because you pretty much dared the Desert Wolf to come after you." He said

I just stood there for a moment and then sighed.  I looked up to him and took a step closer and he smirked a little.

"You're gonna have to come closer than that" he said

I took a step closer giving him a look that if he tries anything I'll kill him.

"Closer" he said.

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