Chapter 10: New Pack.

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Scott's pov

I'm still at the clinic with Theo, Liam and Hayden.  She's getting worse so I called my mom to come help us out.  When she gets here, she puts her stuff on the table.

"What's that?" Liam said

"It's called chelation therapy.  It removes heavy metals from the blood.  But, the problem is, it can injure the kidneys and Hayden only has one to begin with, so..." My mom said putting the tube into Hayden's arm and she groaned in pain.

"Hey, you're hurting her" Liam said grabbing my moms arm.

"And you're hurting me" she said

I looked to Liam and gave him a look and then he let go of my mom.

"Sorry" he said

"Hey, guys...remember, we're here to save a life. Not kill each other." Theo said

"It's the full moon. We can feel it even during the day" I said

"And it's a super moon" Theo said

"What is that supposed to make you guys, like super strong? Super aggressive?" Mom said

"Both" I said

My mom continues helping Hayden and Theo tells me to go into another room with him. We go into another room and sit down.

"You know we're going to need help with him" Theo said

"He'll be alright" I said

"He's 16 and in love. First love. You remember what that's like?" He said

"Yeah, trust me, I remember" I said thinking of Alison.

"All those emotions mixed with the super moon. Tonight isn't going to be good." He said

"I know" I said sighing.

"We need help, and I don't mean restraints or chains. I mean Malia, stiles, Lydia, Skylar. You need your pack, Scott" he said

"I'm not so sure I have one anymore" I said

"Let me talk to them. Let me see what I can do, okay?" He said and I nodded.

He got up and started walking to the door but I stopped him.

"Theo. Thank you" I said and he nodded then left.

He's right. We need to all work together. I just don't think we can.

Lydia's pov

"Go home, Lydia" Parrish said

Parrish thinks he's a danger to everyone so he locked himself up in a cell at the station. He's been in here for awhile now and I'm here with him. We're both sitting on each side of the cell.

"Stilinski isn't telling anyone where he put the bodies, and I'm pretty sure I'm not psychic." He said

"But you're drawn to death. Just like me" I said

"Does that make me a kind of Banshee?" He said

"You find bodies" I said

"I find chimeras" he said

"Dead chimeras" I said

"So, we're both harbingers of death. I should probably add that to my resume" he said

"It's on my college applications" I said trying not to fall asleep.

I reach my hand though the bars and grab onto his hand. I'm not going to leave him.

The Beast//Book 5//Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now