Chapter 1: The Bet

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Sakura POV

The first thing I heard in the morning was my annoying alarm go off. "Argh! Shut up alarm!" I said, throwing my pillow at the clock. Well, it didn't work, I was forced to get out of bed, and pick up the damned thing off the ground and turn it off.

At the same time, I checked it the time. 7:30?


I ran to my closet, and pulled on a loose green t-shirt, a pair or jeans, and ran to my dresser to grab my hairbrush.

Hi. I'm Sakura Kinomoto. I am 16, and I'm a student at Tomoeda High School. I have long, light brown hair that I keep in a loose ponytail, and emerald green eyes. I have a brother, Touya, and a dad. My mom passed away a long time ago, but we are doing our best to keep our lives running smoothly. The only thing for me is school. Sure, I get good grades and all, but there, I'm known as a loser. In elementary and middle school, I had quite a few friends, like Chiharu, Rika, Yamazaki, and even Tomoeda High's number one jerk Li Syaoran, but they all managed to be popular, and now, I'm just about friendless. There are only two people who are nice to me: My best friend, Tomoyo Daidouji, and her boyfriend, Eriol Hiiragizawa.

I sighed. I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.

"Good morning, Sakura-chan." said my dad, setting out a plate filled with eggs and bacon in front of me.

"Good morning, dad!" I said, as I began eating as fast as I could.

"Slow down, kaijuu. You're gonna end up throwing that all up." said my annoying brother Touya, walking into the kitchen.

"Hey! I am not a kaijuu!" I said, glaring at him.

"Hey, that's just what you think." he said, smirking.

Touya went to college at the local college, and was actually pretty popular. That fact made me most annoyed, since sometimes he'd use that against me.

"Touya, can you drop me off at school? I'm running late already." I asked.

"What makes you think that I will?" he asked.

"Because you wouldn't want anything and happening to your brand-new car..." I threatened.

Touya sighed. "Fine. Get in and wait for me." he said. "Don't break anything." he said.

Touya was annoying, but he was really pretty sweet and over protecting.

I sighed. What'll happen today?

Syaoran POV

"Young master? It's time to wake up." said Wei, my favorite butler.

At that point I was already up, and ready to go. "Alright." I called.

I strolled down the long hallway and headed to the kitchen and dining area.

My name is Li Syaoran. I'm 17, and I attend Tomoeda High School. I have messy, short, dark brown hair, amber eyes, and an athlete's body. I have 4 sisters (Feimei, Sheifa, Fanren, and Fuutie), and a mom. My dad had passed away a while ago. At school, I proudly proclaim the title of "School's Heartthrob". I'm the school's most popular guy. And what can I say? I am a babe magnet.

"Hey there little bro!" said my youngest big sister, Fuutie. The rest were all around the world in college. She was the only one in Tomoeda College.

"Mornin'" I responded, grabbing an apple.

"Good morning, Syaoran, Fuutie." said my mother, walking into the kitchen, gracefully. On instinct, I stood up straight.

"Good morning, mother." chimed Fuutie and I.

"I'm going to go play a little basketball with Eriol before school starts. See you later." I called, grabbing my car keys.


When I arrived, I saw Eriol out on the basketball court waiting.

"Hey man. You took forever! I swear, you probably take as much time getting ready in the morning as a girl." said Eriol, rolling his eyes

"Hey, it takes a long time to get me to look this hot." I said, grinning.

"You are such a narcissist." said Eriol, throwing me the basketball.

"It's the truth. All the girls swoon when they see me." I said.

Eriol scoffed. "Doubt that."

"Oh yeah? Name one girl that doesn't." I said, challenging him.

"Tomoyo." he said, proudly.

I rolled my eyes this time. "Dude, she's your girlfriend. You'd kill me if she did."

"Very true. Ok, then...Sakura Kinomoto." he said.

"Kinomoto? That loser?" I asked, scoffing.

"Hey! Sakura isn't a loser. You even had a crush on her in elementary. And I can tell you for a fact that she thinks you're a jerk, and you are way too obsessed with yourself." said Eriol, smirking.

"Oh really? That's a lie. And that was a long time ago. She's no one to me." I said, slightly blushing as I remembered.

"Talk about a huge ego. Tell you what, Li, I'll make you a bet."

"Gimme details." I said, rubbing my hands together.

"If you can get Sakura Kinomoto to say that she's fallen in love with you in one month, I will be your personal servant for the whole next month." he said.

"Oh, I like this. A personal servant for a month. You must really have faith in this loser. And if I lose?" I asked.

"Then, you have to be my servant for a month, and announce to the whole school that you once had a crush on Sakura Kinomoto, but you can't get her to like you." he said.

"Seriously? That's low, Hiiragizawa. Even for you." I said.

"What's the matter, Li?" he taunted. "Are you too afraid?" he asked, smirking.

"Not at all, Hiiragizawa. You can bet your sorry ass that in one month, you will be my servant." I said grinning.

We shook hands, and the bet was sealed.

This was going to be one hell of a month.

Li Syaoran, Consider Yourself PWNEDWhere stories live. Discover now