Chapter 10: The Surprise, The Realization, His Feelings

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Syaoran POV

I walked to the front of the room, hearing loud whispers and squeals from girls. My mind, however, was on a certain emerald-eyed girl.

The way she walked, with a little skip, the way she talked, either sweetly or as if she knew everything in the world, and even the way she smiled made my heart freeze up, and my mind to go blank.

Even when I sang, my eyes fell on her. I tried to look around the room and at other people, but somehow, my eyes made their way back to Sakura.

I never liked singing in public, but that time, I felt like I was just singing to her, and, like our date during Valentine's Day, it felt like we were the only two people on the planet.

When she sang, I was breath-taken. Her sweet voice filled the air, and she sang with such happiness. It sounded like she sang of us. But it couldn't be, right?

Eriol was right. There was no denying it anymore:

I was in love with Sakura Kinomoto.

Of course, since I was a Li, I didn't plan on letting my cousin win our bet just yet, so I couldn't tell her. But I couldn't get her off my mind at all, no matter how I tried.

How do you manage to do that, Sakura? How did you get even me to fall for you?

Sakura POV

I walked out of my classroom, feeling happier. Hearing Syaoran sing made me somehow, lighter inside. Suddenly, my thoughts of my fantasy happiness were broken up. "Sakura-san? Come here for a moment." called Momo-sensei.

I walked to her desk. "Yes?" I asked, confused. Did I do something?

"I just wanted to tell you about your application to the Tomoeda Music Contest. Congrats, you've made it in." she said, smiling.

My mouth fell open. "I-I-I did?" I stuttered. I entered about 2 months ago, and I was almost positive I hadn't made it in.

"Yes. The competition is exactly in one week, so rehearse as much as you can." she winked.

"Ok! Arigato sensei!" I said, bowing. I ran out of the classroom, straight to Tomoyo's locker.

"Tomo-chan! You won't believe it! I got into the Tomoeda Music Contest!" I squealed.

"No way, really?" she asked, jumping up and down. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" she cried, hugging me.

"Thanks!" I said.

"What's going on?" asked a voice. Syaoran stood right behind me. 

"Oh. Syaoran." I said, turning red. Why do I feel so weird? 

"Sakura's gotten into the Tomoeda Music Contest." said Tomoyo, winking at me.

"What's that?" asked Eriol, popping out from behind Syaoran, munching on some chips.

"It's a competition. Anyone with a musical interest can apply, and from the applicants, they choose 15 people to compete. The winner gets $1,000, and a chance to record a song with a huge record company." I explained.

"So you're one of the 15 students?" asked Eriol. "Wow. Congrats, Saki." he grinned.

"Congratulations. What's your song plan?" asked Syaoran.

"Right now, I'm still not sure." I said.

"But of course, I'm here to help." said Tomoyo, squeezing my hand. I smiled.

"I'd love to help as well." said Syaoran, leaning on a locker.

"Hey! Get out of the way! That's my l-" said some girl who was walking up to us. She looked angry, but as soon as Syaoran turned to look at her, her expression changed altogether and her face turned scarlet. "O-Oh, L-L-Li s-s-s-sama, s-s-sorry. I-I-I'll c-c-come b-back l-later." she backed away, and ran off.

"What...was...that?" I asked. Tomoyo and Eriol chuckled and Syaoran smirked.

"Syaoran, I believe your skills are getting better. This time, it was just one look." chuckled Eriol.

"I know." smirked Syaoran.

I rolled my eyes. "So that's how your ego got so big."

"Yep." laughed Tomoyo.

"I was born a special child. A heartthrob at birth. All the nurses swooned when I was born." he said, grinning.

Eriol threw his crumpled potato chip bag at Syaoran's head. "Keep lying, won't you?" he asked, laughing as well.

Syaoran shrugged. "What can I say? I am stunning."

"And very conceited." added Eriol.

"Boys. I never thought I'd hear any of them argue about this. Come on, Tomo." I said, taking her arm and leading her away from the two boys, giggling.

But sadly, I couldn't disagree with what Syaoran. He was perfect.

Ugh, I'm such a sap.

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