Chapter 5: Collapsed

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Sakura PO

Throughout that whole day, I got a little more popular. Just about everyone complimented me for beating Syaoran. I just smiled.

This morning, I honestly wasn't feeling so well. I woke up, feeling really warm and dizzy.

"I don't know, Sakura. You don't feel warm." said my dad, putting his hand on my forehead.

"Maybe it'll pass." I said, standing up. "Touya! Can you drive me?" I called.

"God Dammit, Sakura, I'm not your personal driver!" he called back.

"Touya!" I yelled. I immediately winced. My head was hurting like crazy.

"Fine." grumbled Touya, as he stomped down the stairs. "Get into the damned car."

I smiled.

When I arrived at school, I looked for Syaoran, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I just shrugged and started walking to my next class.

"Hi there." a voice said, behind me.

I turned around to see Eriol grinning at me. "We haven't talked for a while, have we, Sakura?"

"That's right." I smiled.

"Tomoyo says she told you about the bet." he said.

"That's right. I can't believe he thought I'd fall for him so easily." I said, glaring.

Eriol laughed. "You seem like you are, a bit."

"No!" I exclaimed. "Not someone like him!"

He just chuckled. "I can tell you, it seems like I didn't need to give him 2 months. I'll have him as my slave in a week, at this rate." he said, grinning evilly.

I rolled my eyes.

Wait. Did that mean Syaoran liked me?

My heart fluttered involuntarily for a second.

The bell rang, and kids ran into the building.

"Alright, Sakura-chan. P. E. time."

I got changed into my uniform, and ran out into the field.

The sun was scorching, and my head felt like a million knives were being shoved into it. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples.

Go away, headache. Go away...

"Sakura-chan? Are you ok?" asked a voice. Tomoyo was standing in front of me looking worried.

"Oh yeah." I said, regaining my posture.

"Alright!" yelled Touya, as he came into the field. "Everyone! Gather round!"

The whole class formed a circle around Touya. As they did, I spotted Syaoran standing by a couple of guys. His face was almost angry, and his eyes were hard. He didn't even turn to look at me.

"Alright, today, we will be doing some timed running. You will be timed for the amount that you take to run this whole track." said Touya. "Everyone, get ready."

The hour went by pretty fast and boringly. I was confused by Syaoran. He hadn't made any acknowledgement on the fact that I was here.

My hair suddenly throbbed with pain, and I fell to my knees.

"Sakura?" exclaimed Tomoyo, helping me back up. Are you ok?"

I slowly got back to my feet. "Um yeah. I'm ok." I rubbed my head, and turned to look at Syaoran. He was looking at me for the first time today, but his expression was hard. He turned away as soon as I caught his eye.

I wanted to go over to him to ask him what the matter was, but Touya stopped me.

"Kaijuu! Your turn!"

I walked to the start of the track. "Alright, ready?" asked Touya.

I nodded, and he yelled, "Go!"

I sprinted off and headed down the track. It was easy for me, since athletics were a piece of cake for me. I got to the bend where you couldn't see the field anymore, and the sharp pain came back.

I fell to my knees again, grasping my head. I suddenly felt like my body was on fire, and all of a sudden, I couldn't breathe.

Sweat poured down my face as I tried to gulp in air, but to no avail.

Black spots disrupted my vision, and everything got blurrier. In my head, I was screaming: OH MY GOD MAKE IT STOP. SOMEONE KILL ME NOW. SAVE ME FROM THIS PAIN.

My vision became dark, and I collapsed, falling into the darkness.

Syaoran POV

I couldn't face that Kinomoto girl. I was too sappy around her, and I was falling for her way to fast.

On my way to P.E., I saw Eriol talking with Sakura. My eyes narrowed.

I headed into the locker room and changed. Soon, Eriol walked in.

"Hi." he said, walking past me to his locker.

"You didn't say anything about the bet to Kinomoto, did you?" I growled.

He put his hands up. "Whoa, calm down, wolf." he said, jokingly. My name in Chinese meant "Little Wolf", so "Wolf" was my common nickname.

"You need to be more trusting of people. I did not tell Sakura anything." he said. 

"Fine. But if I found out that you did, I will personally kill you with my own hands." I said, glaring at him.

"Why thank you, best-friend-of-mine." said Eriol, sarcastically.

I ran out to the field where I found out what we were going to be doing.

Timed sprints. Yay.

I stood boredly, waiting for my turn. I looked anywhere but Kinomoto, even though I could feel her eyes burn into my back.

After a while, I suddenly heard Daidouji shriek. "Sakura?" I looked, and I saw Sakura kneeling on the ground, clutching her head.

My first instinct was to run to her to see what was wrong, but if I did, it'd look like I really did like her.

I watched her slowly get on her feet. She turned my way, but as soon as I caught her eye, I turned away.

Suddenly, the coach yelled "Kaijuu! Your turn!"

I saw Sakura walk to the track, take position, and start sprinting down the track. I watched her as far as I could, but past the bend, it was impossible.

Several minutes passed, but she still hadn't made it back yet, and the coach was getting impatient.

"Daidouji! Go down the track to see if you can find Sakura. She's taking forever."

Daidouji ran down the track, and as she got las the bend, I heard her scream.

"Coach! Hurry! Sakura is hurt!"

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