Chapter 11: The Music Store

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Syaoran POV

After school, I was in my room, just lying on my bed when my phone rang. The familiar melody of my recent song addiction, "Just The Way You Are". I blushed. It reminded me of Sakura.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Syaoran!" trilled a voice. I sat up immediately. It was her.

"Hi Sakura. What's up?" I asked, casually.

"Not much." she said. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to do something together tomorrow, seeing as it's a weekend."

"Sounds good. Did you have any ideas?" I asked.

"Well, we could just hang out around town, I guess." she said.

"Good idea." I said. "So it's a date."

"It's a date!" she repeated. "Bye!" she said, and within a few seconds, the phone line went dead.

I hit the "end call" button and smiled to myself.

I couldn't wait.

The next day at around 1, I drove to Sakura's house to pick her up.

I rang the doorbell only to come face to face with Touya.

"Hey, gaki. The kaijuu will be out in a second." he said.

 I ignored him and just waited, straightening my white t-shirt and trying to get my loose green button-up that I was

wearing on top to stay down.

Within seconds, Sakura came out.

"Hi!" she said, pulling a loose strand of auburn hair that fell out of her messy ponytail behind her ear.

"Hey. Come on." I said, putting my hands in the pockets of my jeans and walking towards my car.

"Alright." she said. We walked down and sat in the car. She fidgeted with the end of her white skirt, and kicked her legs back and forth, almost causing her white flats to fall off. She straightened her pale pink off-the-shoulder shirt.

"You're extremely fidgety." I noted.

"The silence is bothering me. It's so boring." she wailed.

"Sakura, you're like a goddamned kid." I said, running my fingers through my messy brown hair.

She flashed me a smile. "I know." she said, giggling.

I rolled my eyes, and just ignored her and kept driving. The silence lasted for about 2 seconds, before she started up again, and this time, she even started tapping on the window.

"Sakura. What the hell are you doing?" I asked her, trying to be calm.

"There's a bug on the window!" she said.

"So?" I asked.

"It's an interesting bug." she said, glancing at it from different angles.

"Oh my gosh." I sighed. "Alright, alright. Let's chat. It'll make you stop doing that, at least."

"Wow, Syaoran. You don't like noises too much, do you? Oh, but I remember you were still pretty quiet in third grade." she said, laughing at the memory.

"Hey! I just didn't like talking!" I protested.

"Sure..." she said, still giggling.

I sighed. "So what's new in your little world?"

"Not much, but I'm trying to write a good song for the Music Contest thing." she said.

"Really?" I asked.

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