Chapter 8: 'How do you do it, Sakura?'

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Sakura POV

As soon as I walked into my house, I got a call from Tomoyo.

"Your timing is impeccable, Tomo. I sometimes wonder if you stalk me and call me right when I walk in." I teased.

"Sorry, Sakura-chan. This time was pure luck. How did the date go?" she asked.

"It was actually really nice." I told her. "He made a picnic, we slow danced, and I found out that he has a really nice voice." I told her, giggling.

"That sounds extremely romantic." said a deeper voice on the other line.

"Konichiwa, Eriol-kun." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Hi, Sakura-chan. So, do you think he'll admit it soon?" he asked.

I raised my eyebrow. "Eriol, is that all you care about? What if I'm starting to like him?"

"Well, if you do, don't tell him, until AFTER he loses the bet." he said. I could hear his chuckle.

"Whatever. Men. You can't understand them. All they care about..." I said.

Tomoyo giggled. "Alright, so what's the plan for toy next?" she asked.

"Well, tomorrow I'm going to meet his mom." I told them.

There was a pause. "Auntie Yelan?" asked Eriol.

"No, Eriol. Syaoran's other mom." I said, sarcastically. "Yeah. Yelan-sama."

"Wow. She must've found out. Anyway, she's a little bit intimidating, but she's nice. Don't let her intimidation get to you." warned Eriol.

"Got it." I said.

The next day, Saturday, Syaoran came to my doorstep at promptly 7 o'clock.

"Wow. Are you always this exact?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He shrugged. "I try to be."

He led me into his car. "You look nice. And neat." he complimented.

"Um, thank you?" I said, slightly confused.

"Oh, no. I just mean that my mother is a little bit particular." he told me.

I smoothened my skirt. It was Tomoyo's latest design. A light pink long sleeved shirt with a light green skirt that went to my knees. A pair of yellow flats finished the look with a sleek ponytail.

Syaoran looked really dressed up, as if he was going to somewhere really formal. It was almost a suit.

Soon, we arrived to a gate, and it automatically opened.

"Ni hao. Hello, Syaoran-sama." said a voice through a speaker.

My eyes opened at the sight of the huge mansion that was ahead of me.

"Oh, my god. This is your house?" I gasped.

"Yeah." he said, pulling up onto the long driveway.

We got out of the car, and a man bowed to me and Syaoran and drove the car into the garage, if it could be called one.

"Ok. Here goes nothing." I mumbled.

We walked into the main hall, lighted by a beautiful crystal chandelier. The light reflected, making rainbows on the wall.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman wearing a business suit walked in and I could feel Syaoran stiffen up by my side.

"Syaoran." she said.

"Mother." he greeted. I gasped. THIS was his mother? She didn't look a day over 20!

"Hello, you must be Kinomoto-San. My name is Yelan Li. I am Syaoran's mother." she told me, in a perfect Japanese accent.

Without thinking, I blurted out. "Are you sure?"

She looked surprised, and Syaoran almost looked horrified.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I mean, you loom much too young! You don't look a day over 20! I thought you were one of his sisters!" I mumbled, bowing over and over again in embarrassment.

She smiled. "Why thank you." she said. "Now, I assume you must be hungry. Come. Let's eat." she told me, gracefully walking into a room.

I heard Syaoran take a breath of relief, and I gave him a smile.

We walked into a huge room with a dining table in it. Syaoran first pulled a chair out for his mother, then me, and finally sat down.

"It's nice to meet you, Li-sama." I told her.

"Likewise. Now, tell me about yourself. Syaoran hasn't told me much." she said, glancing at Syaoran.

The rest of the dinner went by well, and the food was excellent. I was still surprised at how nervous Syaoran looked throughout the whole thing. She was so sweet!

Finally, Syaoran spoke up. "Mother, I'd better get her home. It's late."

She nodded. "Hao. Ok. It was a pleasure meeting you, Sakura-San." she told me.

"The pleasure was mine." I said, smiling.

Syaoran and I headed out, finally, Syaoran's shoulders relaxed. "That went better than I thought." he said.

"Your mother is really nice." I said.

"Well, not to everyone. I guess she had a good first impression because you weren't dressed like a slut." he said.

"Thanks. Thanks a lot." I said, rolling my eyes.

"No! I didn't mean...Oh forget it." he said, and I laughed.

We finally reached my house, and I stepped out.

"Wow, your house is so big. My house is probably the size of one wing!" I joked.

"Actually, a little less." he said, absentmindedly.

I raised an eyebrow, and his face reddened. "Sorry." he said. "But I like your house. It's more peaceful looking." he said, walking me to my door.

"Well, thank you." I said. I kissed him on the cheek, and ran inside.

Syaoran POV

The first words that my mother told me when I got home was: "I approve. You should've brought her home a long time ago."

I groaned.

How do you do it, Sakura?

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