Chapter 2: Asking Her Out

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Syaoran POV

As soon as school started, I walked around looking for that Kinomoto girl.

After what seemed like forever, I finally found her standing at Tomoyo's locker, chatting with her. When she smiled, I blushed a little bit. I remembered that I used to love her smile, and did whatever I could to keep it on her face. I mentally slapped myself. Snap out of it, you idiot! She's a loser! You can't like her!

I took a deep breath and walked up to the girls. "Hi Tomoyo. Hi Sakura." I said, plastering a smile onto my face.

Tomoyo smiled back at me, but Sakura turned around and looked around behind her.

"A-Are you talking to me?" she asked, in disbelief.

"Yeah! Of course." I said, forcing a laugh. She was so stupid.

"Oh, no, what did you guys do to me now?" she asked, looking worried.

I mentally rolled my eyes. She was so paranoid.

"Nothing. It's just been a while since we talked, so I wanted to say hello." I said, casually.

She looked at me with an annoyed look. "A while? Li-San, it's been over 5 years since you've said a word to me!" she said, incredulous.

"Well, I felt bad. Hey, can I talk to you in private?" I asked.

"Uh, I don't know." she said, hesitantly. She glanced at Tomoyo.

Tomoyo just winked, and walked off to where Eriol was standing.

"So what do you want?" asked Sakura, wearily.

"Well, Sakura-chan, I was wondering if you were free tonight. I was hoping we could go out to dinner, or see a movie or something." I asked, trying to avoid the confused stares that were burning themselves into my back.

Hurry, girl. I don't want to be seen with you!

"Uh, why?" she asked.

"Because! I want to get to know you again!" I said.

She looked uneasy. "Well... Maybe. I don't know. I'll get back to you on that." she said.

I was almost mad. Maybe? ask HER out, and she isn't jumping with delight or screaming? I grimaced. Eriol was right. She would be hard...

"Oh, yeah sure. Got it. Ok, bye." I called, walking away as fast as I could.

Sakura POV

"What do you want?" I asked, wearily.

"Well, Sakura-chan, I was wondering if you were free tonight. I was hoping we could go out to dinner, or see a movie or something." Those few words made me recoil in surprise.

Li Syaoran? The most popular guy in the whole damn school was asking me, the loser, out? There had to be something up with this. There was no way he'd really want to.

"Um, why?" I asked, nervously. This just was not adding up. He spends 5 years staying as far away from me as possible, but then suddenly wants to go out with me?

"Because! I want to get to know you again!" he said, smiling.

There was something hugely suspicious.

I told him maybe, and that I'd let him know later, and he ran off, while I stood in front of Tomoyo's locker, shocked. But my heart lifted a bit. Did he really like me?

Tomoyo rushed over. She had a strange look on her face. "Hey, what did Syaoran want?" she asked.

"Well, he asked me out for tonight." I said, with a little smile.

Tomoyo just groaned. "Eriol is so stupid!" she said.

"What?" I asked.

"Look, Sakura, the reason Syaoran asked him out is because he and Eriol made a bet that he could get you to say that you love him in a month, and then Eriol would be his slave." she said, with a sad look.

My face stayed emotionless, but inside, my heart hurt a bit, and I was a little disappointed. I had kind of hoped that he really liked me.

"Really?" I asked. "That bastard. His ego is so big. Like I would ever say that I love him." I scoffed. "I'll just tell him no for the date."

"Wait, Sakura-chan! Let's have a little fun first." said Tomoyo, mischievously. She whispered into my ear, and I smiled evilly. "Ok, let's do it."

Syaoran POV

Just after basketball practice, I checked my phone.

1 unread text message

The phone number did not look familiar. I pressed the "view message" button anyway, and read the text.

Li, its Sakura

I just wanted to say I will be looking forward to the date tonight. Details?

I smiled. This plan was going well. I quickly typed a reply.


I will come by ur place at 7:30. We r goin 2 a fancy place, so dress up

Btw how did u get my number?

Just a couple of seconds after I hit "send", my phone beeped signaling a text.


I laughed darkly. Of course. Leave it to Eriol.

Something suddenly crossed my mind. Eriol wouldn't have told her, right? About the bet?

I picked up my phone and hit speed dial 4. He always was calling Eriol, so he might as well make it easier for himself.

I paced around my room, ruffling my messy hair in distress while it dialed.


"Eriol, listen, you wouldn't have happened to tell Kinomoto about our bet, right?" I demanded. "I swear, if you did..."

"Relax buddy. I ain't that shallow. I have faith in Sakura." he said, laughing.

"Fine. But if you do, I will personally track you down and kill you." I threatened.

"Of course." he said. He suddenly chuckled. "And by the way, have a nice time on your date. You know, if this was a couple of years ago, you would've been jumping with excitement." he laughed to himself.

"Shut up." I said, my face turning a couple of degrees warmer.

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