Chapter 9: The Talent Show

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Sakura POV

The next morning, I walked into Music Studies, feeling happy. 

Syaoran was already there. He nodded at me, and continued his conversation with some guys.

I took my seat. "Ohayo, Sakura-chan." said Tomoyo, cheerfully.

"Ohayo Tomoyo-Chan." I replied, smiling.

"Cut the chit chat, class is beginning." said Momo-sensei, as she walked into the room. Everyone grew silent.

"Alright. Before we start, I'd like to make a quick announcement. Tomorrow and the day after, we will be hosting a little talent show. You can sing, dance, play instruments, anything. Just make sure to sign up after class today." she said.

Tomoyo squealed. "Sakura! You have to do it!" she whispered.

I shrugged. "I don't know." I whispered back.

Tomoyo pouted. "Please?" he shimmered.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. But you're helping me come up with something." I whispered back.

She just nodded, but her eyes were twinkling.

Oh no, I don't have a good feeling about this.

Tomoyo walked home with me after school to help me with my song that she was forcing me to do.

"It's going to be perfect!" she squealed. She was glowing with happiness.

"Don't get too happy. I don't even know what to sing." I said, strumming random chords on my guitar. "Maybe I'll just look up some song-"

She cut me off. "No. You are writing your own song." she said.

I held my hands up in defeat. "Ok! But I have no clue what to write one about!" I exclaimed.

"Hm..." said Tomoyo, deep in thought. "Sakura, how are you feeling? Like, your emotion right now."

I lied down on my bed. "Happy." I replied.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because of my date with Syaoran last night." I said.

"Now, how do you feel about him?" she asked. I opened my mouth to respond, but she stopped me, and gestured to my guitar, pen and paper.

"Respond with them." she said.

A smile stretched out across my face.

The next morning at school, I got off my bike, parked it in a spot, and headed into my first class, Music studies.

I greeted Tomoyo and Eriol, then took a seat.

Syaoran came sprinting in, and he quickly ran and punched Eriol, and sat down.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" screamed Eriol, rubbing his cheek.

"I got pissed. I needed to take it out on someone." he said, panting.


Syaoran ignored him. "Ohayo gozaimasu, Sakura-chan." he said.

"Ohayo, Syaoran-kun!" I said, smiling.

He gave me a small smile, then looked away.

"Everyone settle down. We have a lot to do in class today." said Momo-sensei, as she walked into the classroom. "As some of you may have heard earlier, we will be doing a small talent show in class today and tomorrow. If anyone would like to play an instrument, or sing something, we'd all like to hear it." she said. "Now, I have heard that everyone in this class will be doing a performance."

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