No one imprint on me

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I just landed in the airport in Port Angeles and left after I took my bags. I get in my car and drove to my dads house.

I left the car, took my bags and went to the door

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I left the car, took my bags and went to the door. I knocked on it and the door was open by my twin sister, Bella.

"Ashlynn!!!" Bella hug me and I hug her back smiling. " What are you doing here? It is not that I am not happy that you are here." she asked me as we walked in and she closed the door behind me. "Dad call me to ask me to come and take you out of the depression. So tell me what happen." We sat on the couch.

" Few weeks after I move here I start to date Edward Cullen. On my birthday party that his sister organise something happens and last week he left me." I froze when I heard his name. " Cullen??" she nod. "Do you know them? Do you know what they are?" she nod confused. "Give me the mirror." Bella gave me the mirror and I took of the contacts lens and show her my golden eyes. " You are like them" I nod and she hug me "Since when?" I sighed. " Since always. When mom was pregnant a vampire bite her and since we were two in there the venom was taken in my body, protecting you and mom. Billy told mom and dad what I am and call Carlisle to came and see if everything is okay with me. Every summer I used to go and visit them, but them when I was 7 mom forbidden me to visit them." I smile, a sad smile. "Why are you smiling like this?" I look at Bella still smiling. " I was 7 years old when I found out that Jasper is my mate. I wished​ that I could see him again after 10 years." She smile at me." Maybe if you call Alice he will come to see you. Maybe you can go and see them." I nod. "I'll call, but now. You. What you want to do now?" "I need to talk with Jake. I haven't seen him." I nod

--- In La Push ---

We arrived in front of the Black's house and got out of the car. Bella run toward the house but as 4 boys walked out of the woods. My sister run toward them and started to shout at them and they​ laughed at her. She hit one of them.

"Bella!!!" I run vampire speed toward her and stand between them. "Run" I look back at her then at the boy in front of me. He phase into a grey wolf. "Shit" " Ashlynn. Run. They will kill you." Bella shout at me. "They won't. I am allowed here. Go and tell Jake and Billy​ to come out. I am not planning on fighting with a wolf." I said trough grinning teeth as I look at the boy that was closer to the wolf. "I don't want to fight. I am Ashlynn Swan. Perhaps, Billy told you about me. I don't want to fight with your friend." The wolf grow at me. "Ashlynn step back." I turn to see Jack, so I run vampire speed toward Bella. "Take them to Emily." said the guy that was next to the wolf.

"So... you are Ashlynn? Do you remember me?" asked one of the boys as we were driving. I look at him and smile."Embry" he smile at me.

We were at Emily and the two boys were talking when Jake and the other two walked in. "Hey, Jake." I smile at him. "Ashlynn." We hug and he turned toward the two boys. "Ashlynn this is Sam, the alpha of the pack," Sam nod and me. "and Paul, the hothead." Paul look at me." Since when you are a vampire?" he asked still not looking away from me. "Always. When mom was pregnant with me and Bella she was bitten by a vampire. The venom was taken from my body, not hurting mom or Bella. I was born vampire but grew up like a human kid. I can eat human food and sleep when I want." I explained as Emily gave me a muffin. "Thank you Emily." I smile at her. Sam was looking at me closely. Imprint. "First, I won't hurt her. I don't know why, but every time when I drink human blood I feel sick and throw up the blood. So I don't have to drink that blood, i don't need it. I am stronger then a newborn vampire. And second, please please, pretty pretty pretty please tell me that no one imprint on me." I look at each one of the guys as they laugh as the shake their heads. "Oh... Thank Jinxx. I thought that I will have to stay here forever."

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