Still vampire... cool vampire

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Me and Jasper were lying in the bed, the blanket over ours naked bodys and mine over his. "Did you call Charlie to tell him that you are staying the night?" Jazz asked making me sight. I got up, took my phone from the jacket and call him.

"Ashlynn, is everything alright?" Charlie asked as he picked up the phone. "Yes, everything is perfect. I just want to tell you that I'll be staying with the Cullens for a few days while is sunny. I'll come later to pack clothes for my visit." I felt Jaspers hands on my hips pulling me toward him. I falt over him and laugh. "Okay. Have fun, but not too much please." We hung up, I left the phone on the night table and went back lying over Jasper.

"Do you have fun, Ashlynn?" Emmett smirked at me as me and Jasper went back downstairs. I roll my eyes and set next to to Alice. "Thanks for the clothes, Alice." she smile at me before hugging Stefan. "Long time no seeing, Stef." he smile at me. "It is boring with out you with us, Ashlynn. We missed you." I smile. "I missed you, too"

We have been watching Emmett and Jasper playing on the XBOX, when my phone rung. I pick it up and went into the kitchen. "Hi, Ashlynn." I heard Emily's voice and the pack on the other side. "Hi, Emily. What going on?" I look toward the living room to see Alice and Rosalie on the door looking at me, listening to the conversation. "Quil took muffin from Paul, but you know Paul." I laughed. "Poor Quil, tell Paul that if he let Quil go I will make pizza only for him." I heard the noise stoping. 'Love you, Lynn.' I shake my head. "So, what are you calling for, Emily?" I sit on the plot while Alice and Rosalie take out the thing I will need for Paul's pizza. "Would you like to go shopping with me?" "Yeah sure, but do you thing that Sam will let you because knowing Alice, she won't miss a shopping trip and I am taking Rose one way or another." Both of them looked at me with huge smiles o their faces. "Yes. He is okay with it." "Okay then. I'll make the pizza and will come to pick you up." We said our goodbyes and hung up.

The pizza was ready so I went back in the living room and gave Jazz a kiss on the lips. "Be careful. If something happens call me." I nod. "I will. I'm going. Alice, Rose you can go and wait for us there." They both nod and I left. My car saw there too.

Thanks​, Edward.

Your welcome.

I put the pizza on the passenger sit and left for La Push. When I arrived there I took the boxes of pizza for Paul and Sam and left the car. I walked inside the house and saw Paul on the couch. He looked at the boxes like a lost puppy. I laughed and gave him one of the boxes. "Where is Sam?" he pointed to the kitchen and I nod. I left the living room. In the kitchen I saw Sam hugging Emily while she is washing the dishes. "Hi. Sam this is for you." I gave him the other box of pizza. "You shouldn't have." he try to protest. " You are the only one who doesn't annoy me from the pack. Em, I will be annoying Paul till your ready." She nod and I went back into the living room and I set next to Paul.

"Where are you going?" I looked to see Jake and Jared. I smile at them and hug them. "Shopping with Alice and Rosalie." They both make faces. "Don't make that face or you won't see me again." I said going into the car. "Sorry".

We drove to Seattle and met with Alice and Rosalie. The four of us spend the day going from one shot to another and when the time came for us to go back home.

"Alice, can you please tell Jasper to wait me in the meadow after half an hour. I'll leave Emily and will wait him there." She nod and we drove back to Forks. From there we went on separate ways.

"When will you come again?" asked Emily as we left the last one of the backs in her and Sam's bedroom. "I don't know. Maybe one day after school or some of the Sundays. I'll see when I can and I don't want to put the whole pack under pressure. After all I am still vampire." I smile at her as I set next to Paul. "You are cool for a vampire." "What you want for my next visit?" he shrugged as I got up. "I have to go. I'll see you guys next time when I come."

"So, everything went well with the pack?" I nod. "Yes. And thank you for not calling them 'mutes'." We kissed as we lay on the ground looking at the stars.

"Do you want to go on a date, tomorrow night?" "Yes."

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