Someone from the past

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The next day I wake up with Jasper next to me... Yes I can sleep, but only when I want.

"How was your sleep, da'ling" I smile and kiss him. "You was there so it was good." He smirked and looked at me with lust. "So what was I doing there?" "You will do it tonight." was my answer and his face light up.


We were in lunch when some guy come to me smirking. "Babe, why don't you come and join me and my friends?" I look at him and take Jasper's hand in mine. "Why don't you live me alone? Can't you see that I am with my family and my boyfriend?" The boy look around the table and take a step back seeing​ the way Edward and Stefan were looking at him and the glare on Jasper's face as he was looking at him.

The whole cafeteria went silence and look at our table. That wasn't really good thing at the moment when I am in not so good mood. " Can you mind your own f*cking business?" I yell making them turn back to there own conversations.

"You okay, da'ling? You seemed stressed." I just kissed Jasper as I lay down on his bed with him over me.

I moan as Jasper kissed on my sweet spot. He played with my boobs still covered with my shirt and bra.

"J-jazz..." He smirked as he was watching me panting and moaning his name as he was working his fingers inside of me. "J-jazz, please. I need you. Please Jazz. "I saw his smirked growl bigger. I let out a whimper as I felt the emptiness after my mate take out his fingers. He kissed me as he enter in me.

"Oh... Jazz I ... Am... "It felt so good. For a second time we did it today even though we know that his family and Bella can hear us.

"MAJOR..." I screamed his name as I came and soon I moan out loud feeling his seed inside of me again.

"Done already?" I just look at Emmett who was reading a newspaper. "You read? I am impressed, Emmett." "Broke something this time?" "Emmett, don't!" The boys laugh as I sit on Jasper's lap and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer.

"Ashlynn, Charlie want us home." I nod. I said goodbye to the family, kissed Jasper before leaving with Bella in my car.

"Dad, we are home." I froze when I was a familiar face sitting next to dad. "Dad who is that?" Bella asked. "He is my friend from Alaska. Tom these are my daughters Ashlynn and Bella. Girls, Tom will be staying with us for few days 'till he find a house." I shake my head. "Bella come help me to pack. Dad when Alice, Edward and Jasper come let them in." "What are you doing?" "I am leaving. I won't stay in the same place as HIM." Charlie looked confused, but before he could tell something there was a knock on the door.

"Is everything okay? Alice saw... " Jasper stop his sentence seeing Tom. "No. Can I stay with you.?" "Ashlynn please." I look at Charlie. "You cannot expect for me to stay in the same building with HIM. I AM LUCKY THAT I CANNOT GET PREGNAT OR NOW I'LL HAVE A BABY. HE IS THE REASON FOR ME TO SPENT A WHOLE YEAR IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL AND ONE MORE IN ALASKA WITH THE DENALIE'S. IF HE DID NOT RAPE ME TWO YEARS AGO. I WOULD HAVE BEEN HERE LONG BEFORE BELLA. HE DESTROYED MY LIFE." Everyone were shocked, but soon. They look at Tom with anger. "You hurt my daughter." He shake his head. "Dude come on. You know me." "But I know her better. Her eyes become purple when she is lieing." "Ashlynn, I pack your things. You can move with us." I nod at Esme. "Thank you. Bye, dad." We left and Bella follow. "You'll come, too?" she nod. "I don't want to be alone with him."

We get in Edward's Volvo and he drive back to his house. There Rosalie run to me and hug me and I cried as soon as I felt her arm around me. We stay like this with the family around us on the front porch when we heard a howl. I could hear the pack. "Jake heard what I said back at Charlie and now they want to know if I am okay." Jasper took my hand. "Come. I'll take you to see them." We left in our vampire speed.

"Guys." The whole pack stay at the river in their human forms waiting for me. As soon as Jasper let go of my arm I jump on the other side and Jake catch me. I start to cry again as soon as my best friend's arm were wrapped around me in brotherly hug.

"Ashlynn, call when you are coming home so one of us can come and pick you up. I don't want you to walk alone in the woods right now." I heard Jazz words after few minutes of me only crying in Jake's chest with the Pack's worried looks on my. I whisper little 'thanks' before I heard him running back to his house.

"Is everything alright? I went to your house to see you and Bella, but only heard Charlie saying something about knowing you better and then I saw you and Bella leaving with Edward and Jasper." The pack and their imprints look at me worried. "Two years ago I went to Alaska hoping to see again the Cullens, but they already left. I stay with the Denelies for a few day and one day one of my dad's friends came to take me to air port so I can come
here, but he took me to his place and... a-and... h-he... "I start to sob and Emily and Kim come to me and hug me. I could hear the pack growing.

"Are you staying with the Cullens now?" Sam was the first one to speak after all of us calmed down. "Yes. Bella will stay with them too so she won't have to stay in the same house as HIM." the pack nod. "Carlisle called. They want to talk about the treaty." We look at Emily "Then we will leave you at theirs. Call Jasper to tell him." I deal my mate's number and soon he pick up. "Hi! You are coming back." "Yes, but the pack will take me home so you can talk about the treaty." I could hear them talking but nothing bad so that was good. "Okay. We will be waiting. They can bring their humans if they want. Better here then alone in La Push." I look at the guy's who nod. "Okay. They will be coming."

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