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Deenah💋: hey cutie wanna go on a date with me?

You: yeah we should go to Neverland

Deenah💋: why?

You: because it's never going to happen 😂

Deenah💋: that's not funny

Deenah💋: but I want a date so I'm going to laugh

Deenah💋: 😂😂😂😂😂 that's a knee slapper, you should be a comedian😂

You: yeah thx for laughing but I'm never going on date with you

Deenah💋:Never say never cutie

You: well I need to go find my purpose and go to bed

Deenah💋: you are always sleeping you was born to be somebody

You: but sleep is all that matters to me

Deenah💋: that's enough with the jb songs

You: we was quoting Justin Bieber songs?

Deenah💋: 👀

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