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"About time you got here" I grumble I opening the door and getting inside. She stared me for a sec before letting out a hum.


"Nothing" I squinted my eyes at her as she let out a chuckle "I'm serious y/n"

"Are you going to drive or are we going too just sit here?"

"I want my money first" I huff getting my money out my wallet and handing her the 3 ten dollar bills "thank you"

"Whatever" she pulls out the driveway.

"So where do you want to eat at?" She asks glancing at me "I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know?" I shrug "I don't know Camila"

"Ok, what about my Donald's?"




"Burger King?"




"Waffle House?"

"No had that yesterday" she sighs "how about apple bees"

"I want to go to Olive Garden"

"Then why didn't you say that?"

"It didn't come to mind until you passed it" she groans making me laugh "I'm sorry for annoying you Mila. I just can't think right now"

"It's ok I guess...but how long did you know the girls?"

"Well I knew Dinah for 5 months and I know the girls for like 2"

She nods parking in front of the restaurant. I got out of the car and we both walked in.

"Really?" I nod "yeah"

"So you and Dinah are actually dating?"

"Why are you having trouble believing that?"

"Because I never knew she liked girls she never told me" I shrug "maybe she didn't want anyone to know"

"But I was her best friend" she frowns.

"Table for two?"

"Yes," we followed the man to a booth.

"Don't be upset about it Camila do you know how hard it is to come out?"


"Well it's super hard maybe she was scared that you would judge her" she sighs "I would never"

"What would you guys like to drink?"

"Lemonade," I said "I'll get what she's getting"

She clears her throat "sooooooo.....what do you do for a living?"

"Sleep and eat"

"That's all?"

"Pretty much I have a boring life"

"Well do you have any siblings?"

"I have a sister named Vanessa who is a huge fan of yours by the way?"


I nod "tell me more".....

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