Ch. 3

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"Ugh, but mom".

"Dean Ambrose, your teacher is giving you a chance to redo your test and told Seth to help you".

"Now go over hat boys house and let him help you". She said with her hands on her hips.

"Fine, fine, I'll go". I said grunting while going up the stairs to get my book bag.

'This sucks'. I thought in my head.

I was originally going to roman's house, but the Fucking teacher called my mom and told her everything. I'm going to have to text Roman that I won't be coming over today.

*Text to Roman*

Dean: dude

Roman: what's up

Dean: I can't come over today

Roman: Aww why not😞

Dean: because the Fucking teacher called my mom and told her everything.

Roman: well that sucks

Roman: will you be coming to the party that Sasha is having

Dean: Hell yeah

Roman: Good😊

*Text Ended*

I put my phone away after I made it to Seth's house.

'Well here goes nothing'

I knocked on the door and a women answered it.

"Oh, you must be Dean, come in, come in".

"I'll go get Seth, stay right there".

"Ok". I say rolling my eyes.

"Seth honey, deans here".

"OK mom, I'm coming". I heard him yelling back.

Seth's pov

'This is Fucking great, why did I have to agree'. I said in my head.

I walked downstairs and sighed very deeply when I saw Dean.

"I'll help you study in my room". He nodded and followed me up to y room.

"Ok, you got everything".


"Ok, then let's get started".

He got all of his books out and we started.

I never realized how cute Dean really was.

"Is this how you do it". He said knocking me out of my thoughts. I look at his paper and he seems to have it down.

"Yeah, that's just how you do it".

"Hey, are you ok babyboy".

"Ye-yeah". I say slightly blushing.

Did he just call me babyboy. he wouldn't, bit I heard him. SETH JUST CHILL. Just focus.



"I don't get this question can you explain it to me".


I look at his paper and see what problem he's having trouble on, but I can still feel his gaze on me.

"Ye-yeah, is their a something wrong". I say trying not to stutter.

"N-nothing". He said while his face turned slightly red.

I explain the problem and he seems to understand it a little bit. Time went by and I didn't realize it was 2:25.

"Umm...are you hungry".

"Yeah, I can eat". He said while smiling, which caused my heart to skip a beat.

We both stopped what we were doing and went downstairs.

"Oh, boys just on time, I made you both sandwiches".

"Thanks mom".

"Yeah, thanks Mrs. Rollins".

"You welcome boys". She said walking out the kitchen.

"So...are you going to Sasha's party". He said breaking the silence.

"No, I wasn't invited and plus I don't really know who Sasha is".

Deans pov

"Oh, ok hold on". I say while he gives me a confused look.

*Text to Sasha*

Dean: Sasha

Dean: Answer Dammit😠

Sasha: what Deano

Dean: don't call me that

Sasha: Ok,ok, what's you want

Dean: you know that new kid Seth right

Sasha: yeah that new kid in your class, why

Dean: invite him to your party

Sasha: ok, why

Dean: Aww, does my little deano have a crush😁


Sasha: ok, I'll do it

Dean: thanks

*Text Ended*

I put my phone away and turn my attention to Seth.

"I got you invited".


"Your invited to Sasha's party tomorrow". I say with a smile.

"I'll pick you up at 8, ok".

"Ok". He said smiling back.

My little bad boy  AmbrollinsWhere stories live. Discover now