Ch. 23

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{ Seth's POV }

Once I got home, I thanked Sasha for the ride and walked up to my front door. I looked around my house and noticed my mom wasn't home.

'Sucks I really need someone to talk to'. I thought with tears starting to stream down my face.

I kept thinking what would Dean do. Will he break up with me, would he believe me. I kept thinking about the bad things that may happen. I was in my room sitting in a corner, crying my eyes out.

{ Dean's POV }

I was hanging out with Roman, when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took my phone out my pocket and saw that it was a text message from Sasha.


Sasha: hey deanie

Dean: what to you want sasha😑

Sasha: just going to tell you Seth went home early

Dean: really why

Sasha: idk he wouldn't tell me, he looked sad

Dean: wtf did you do to him Sasha

Sasha: I didn't do anything, I thought you would be happy Seth's home

Dean: don't get me wrong I'm happy but why would he be sad

Sasha: um...I don't fucking know why don't you ask him

Dean: if i fucking find out that you or that Jeff guy did something to him you guys are dead

Sasha: hold up calm your fucking role one Jeff didn't do anything to Seth neither did I

Dean: in the words of john Cena are you sure about that

Sasha: whatever dean, just go check on Seth I'm worried about him

Dean: yeah whatever see you Monday

Sasha: yeah

*Text ended*

I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Dean are you alright". Roman said

"Yeah I'm just going to Seth's house he went home early".

"Oh ok, have fun". With that I walked out of Romans house and got into my car starting to drive to Seth's house.

Once I got to Seth's house. I grabbed the key that was under the Matt and unlocked the door. I went upstairs to Seth's room and knocked the door.

{ Seth's POV }

I was crying for the whole day. I was surprised at myself that I didn't run out of tears. That's when I heard someone knock at my door. I thought it was just my mom checking up on me.

"Go away I don't feel like talking". I said fresh tears started to run down my face.

"Seth it's Dean, can I come in". My eyes went wide and I ran to the bathroom that was in my room. I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. 'i look like shit' I thought.

I got out the bathroom after cleaning myself off. I opened my room door and I was met by Dean hugging me. I wanted to cry again, but I tried my best to hold back the tears.

"Seth are you alright". He asked me

"Yeah why". I said trying to act natural

" Sasha texted me saying you left the sleepover early and you looked sad".

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