Ch. 24

896 30 14

Ready for a fight scene between Dean and Jeff

{ Dean's POV }

I woke up early. I turned to my side to see Seth is still fast asleep, I took the advantage and took Seth's phone. 'Well it's a good thing he told me his password' I thought. I unlocked his phone and went into his contacts and saw Jeff's number.

The last time he contacted him was before the sleepover. I decided to text him.


Seth { Dean }: hey Jeff

Jeff: um...hey

Seth { Dean }: can I ask you something

Jeff: yeah sure what's up

Seth { Dean }: I was wondering if you want to hang out

Jeff: After school???

Seth { Dean }: no how about around 12

Jeff: but what about your little boy friend Dean

Jeff: what is he not good in bed baby boy

Seth { Dean }: so are we hanging out or what
I texted back feeling my blood boil. I couldn't wait to teach this Jeff guy a lesson.

Jeff: yeah sure why not

Seth { Dean }: ok see you at 12

Jeff: see you at 12

*Text ended*

I was smiling like crazy knowing he agreed to hang out with 'seth'. Now just need to get pass Seth, but that should be easy enough. About five minutes later Seth woke up. After he was done doing what he needed to in the bathroom, he told me to get ready b/c we have school today. But I told him I wasn't feeling well.

He looked at me suspicious, but he got up and got one of those temperature thingys from the bathroom. He put it in my mouth and went downstairs for something.

I took the temperature thing out of my mouth, and put it under the light. Once I heard Seth come back, I popped it back into my mouth, like nothing happened. Seth walked up to me and to the temperature thing and examed it.

"Do you want me to stay with you, since your sick". He asked

"No, no, I'll be fine, you go to school". I said reassuring him

"You sure".


"Ok, see after school, Deanie".

"See you". Once I heard the front door close. I got off the bed and got dressed. I went down the stairs, grabbed my car keys, and drove to my house. Once I got to my house, I noticed my mom wasn't home.

'Properly at work'. I thought

I ran up the stairs to my room and went into my closet and grabbed my bat. I smiled at the thought of seeing Jeff's blood all over my little friend. After that, I left my house, went into my car, And took Seth's phone out of my pocket. Yes, I know, sneaky. But it had to be done.

I unlocked his phone, went into his connects and started to text Jeff. 'Where should we meet'. I thought. It has to be somewhere, where there isn't that much people, or just people who don't care what happens. 'Got it'. I thought a smirk appearing on my face.

*Text to Jeff*

Seth { Dean }: Meet me at Under st ok { A/N that's just made  up }

My little bad boy  AmbrollinsWhere stories live. Discover now